What don’t women understand about men?

  1. We don’t give a shit about a lot of the body standards women think we do. I’m not saying men don’t like big tits and ass and that we’re pure creatures that don’t think about the female figure, but it’s particular things like hip dips, a thigh gap, cellulite etc.. Never even thought about them. I’ve actually had to Google some female insecurities I straight up didn’t know the definition of, and they were bewildered men weren’t judging them on it all the time.

  2. That SOME female partners can be just as toxic, abusive (emotionally), unfaithful, entitled, can’t take rejection and selfish as SOME male partners.

    Of course NOT ALL.

    Maybe it’s ignorance on SOME straight women’s experience but a lot of the complaints I seen SOME women make about male partners in relationships. Really isn’t exclusive to male partners. SOME female partners are also terrible partners

    Especially with SOME not being able to handle rejection. These negative traits listed above are human thing.. not a gendered thing

  3. The simple things in life, watching a fav tv show… having a beer with friends and talking about nothing earth shattering… it doesn’t take much for us to be happy and content!!!

  4. I had this argument….literal argument, which a close female friend last night.

    She thinks I’m being harsh when I say she wouldn’t likely be as in love with her new man if he wasn’t far more financially stable than her ex husband was.

    She thought I called her a gold digger. Thing is, they’ve been dating for all of three months and the MINUTE she found out about his income she’s been trying to move in and get him to put a ring on it. He’s been blowing her off on both.

    A fact of life is that a man, overall, is expected to have his financial shit together. Women may not be consciously aware this is a thing. She may genuinely believe he’s a kind, caring soul, but in reality, you could be a douchebag a lot of times, long as you ain’t broke. If you ARE broke, you better be good looking.

    We’re judged by a lot of external factors. If we don’t fulfill our usefulness, we end up alone.


  5. I think one of the areas that women struggle to understand about men are the dynamics in some of our male friendships.

    It’s not uncommon for men to have beefs with their friends and it escalate because of high-emotions. For some it results in a physical altercation and others it’s simply some pretty heated arguments and mean things said. Men, in my experience, are quicker to get past that and let it be water under the bridge and continue having a relationship.

  6. A lot of our efforts are invisible to women. Things like becoming financially sound. Being emotionally strong enough to stabilize her emotions. Constantly worrying about things life safety, security and stability. Part of achieving these is projecting an aura of stoicism that leads many women to believe what we do is easy. They’ll think everything we do doesn’t take much effort and we’re therefore lazy and putting more work on her. Really making it all look easy is one of the biggest struggles men face. We’ll often put constant tremendous effort into all of this and then be lambasted as lazy or too carefree. It hurts and we often feel like we’re trapped.

  7. My wife: “what are you thinking about?”

    Me, thinks about what course of action will I take if ninjas 🥷 broke through the window.

    Me: “Nothing”.

  8. I’m yet to meet a woman who understands a man’s need/want to just have some time to themselves. Not everything needs to be done joined at the hip and sometimes just a couple of hours on peace can do the world of good

  9. We don’t need much to be happy. And a lot of things don’t matter, like clothes, food, a lot of events. I can be very happy in the same clothes eating same shit every day and grab a beer with a friend sometimes.

  10. That men and women are 100% different especially in the ways of thinking. This isn’t a bait into a misogynistic reply but it’s so obvious when you live with a woman as a men and visa versa. This isn’t an issue but the world would be a better place if we just agreed upon being different and worked with that.

  11. Imo women think men are magical mythical creatures lol.
    Except at work??? Like women treat me like a real person at work, but a strange odd thing outside of work.

    “Why do guys xyz…” Questions are always so bad. Like we’re not aliens. I don’t just have Reddit either, I mean this more in real life. I’m close with my sister’s friends.

    Also, women are legit terrible at considering a man’s feelings or emotions to the extent I really think y’all don’t believe we have internal thoughts.

    This often leads to horrible “Why do guys…?” Questions.

    If you’re asking why men don’t walk up to you and talk to you out of the blue, and you yourself have never found the motivation to accost strangers on a regular basis in public, you’re being stupid in not putting those two things together.

  12. When you tell a story try to summarize and get to he point. We don’t need you to walk us through all the random events that led up to the event. It’s exhausting and I do not have the patience anymore.

  13. I’m not every man, but me personally can’t stand when a woman thinks somethings wrong because I’m tired and just want to unwind by myself. Nothings wrong, I’m not mad about something, I just want to be alone for a bit to clear my head.

  14. We like compliments and judging by our mental health statistics, we could use some once in a while

  15. That it’s not ok to insult us because you made a mistake or are a bit agitated by something.
    That as your sons and friends we are not your emotional punching bags.
    That “oh, I didn’t mean it I was just mad” and then complimenting us after fully destroying us emotionally means nothing because guess what we are devastated.
    That a lot of times we are targeted and labelled all kinds of things while in reality we are innocent.
    That we don’t really get to talk about how we’re struggling.
    For me I had no one I trusted growing up because of all the emotional baggage and insults others would throw my way. They would also be like “you can tell me your problems I’ll help”. Every time my words would be used against me so I stopped talking about it. Today I don’t really trust anyone. Ok maybe one person and the funny thing is I don’t really see that person often maybe once a month but I still can’t tell them. If you’re wondering no men didn’t use my words against me it was just women but it doesn’t change the fact that I don’t trust men either.

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