My ex broke up with me months ago. We dated for less than a year. The last conversation we had was that he said he was leaving and moving on. He got a new gf pretty quickly. Fast forward to about one month after our last convo he asks how I am doing and i briefly say i’m alright. I didn’t say anything more. Roughly two weeks later he asks the same thing and i say i’m good. Weeks later he sent a message saying “quick question.” After i said yes he replied “it’s nothing sorry for bothering you.” This time (about two months later) he recently messaged me and asked “how are you doing?” I just left the message unopened and didn’t respond. I will also add that the messages have all been sent very early in the morning. What on earth could be the reasons he does this?
TL:DR – ex has messaged me to check up on me multiple times. What could it mean?

  1. He misses you and is trying to start things back up or he’s nervous that you’re not doing great after.

  2. He has an ego and he wants to know you’re missing him and he wants you to be miserable.

  3. It’s one of two things: he either misses you and doesn’t have the nerve to say or do anything more, or he’s toying with you. Trying to keep himself on your mind so you can’t move on.

    Having been in this scenario a couple times myself, I’ve learned that unless they actually do something to prove it’s the former – like actually asking to talk, and make an actual effort to repair and rebuild the relationship – it’s best to assume what he’s doing is the latter.

    Not responding and ignoring him was the best move, especially since he played they whole “I have a question” “never mind, it’s not important” – that screams playing a mind game to me.

    Continue to ignore him. He’ll either eventually take the hint to leave you alone or actually do something if he does want you back

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