I think I want to be cremated. With a poetry reading and everyone gets batshit drunk after

  1. Third way; water resomation. Now legal in the UK and likely to become popular. Better for the environment too.

  2. Apparently my first two choices of roadside ditch and dumpster are ‘illegal’ and ‘disturbing’ so I’d go for cremation, no service.

    Then shove the ashes in a dumpster, nice and legal.

  3. whatever is cheapest to be fair, no need to have an expensive ceremony with church crap, just a basic ceremony before being toasted

  4. Literally whatever is the cheapest option and then all my remaining family and friends can go and eat somewhere good and get horrendously drunk on the remains of my estate.

  5. I want a green burial – wrap me in linen, stick me in a willow coffin and bury me under a tree to decompose.

    I am not particularly religious so someone reading poetry, or quoting from Pratchett’s works, would be nice and a fun time at the pub after sounds fine 🙂

  6. Someone I know said that we can put him in the bottle bank.

    He said to get him cremated, put his ashes in a glass then off to the bottle bank for collection.

  7. I’ve registered with a medical school for them to use my body for teaching or whatever.

    Otherwise, cremation. If people want to ‘visit’ me, I’d prefer it was a bench somewhere I enjoyed walking or a tree somewhere I enjoyed camping.

  8. A barrel of acid, then when I’m suitably runny, hook that up to the water supply at Janice’s house.

    Fuck Janice.

  9. I don’t quite know why, but burial. Something about it feels less final… less unnatural… even though I realise that it isn’t. I can’t shake the feeling that it’s too far to be burned up.

  10. I want to be buried vertically, wearing a suit entwined with mushrooms, under a sapling or wildflower patch so my corpse will quickly be used to nourish something good.

  11. I always thought burial until a family member was recently buried. Once we left the burial, something about leaving their body alone in the cemetery, in the dark and cold really hit me hard. I have since favoured cremation.

    Completely irrational as they’re dead, I know. But grief is strange.

  12. I want to be buried somewhere it will be inconvenient.

    There’s a law that states that you can’t redevelop a graveyard and build on it if anyone’s been buried there in the last 50 years. I want someone to research a graveyard that’s not been used in 49 years and bury me there. I’d like a tree planted on my grave, and leave it in my will that a certain sum be reserved for getting a Tree Protection Order served on it. I want to be an irritating obstacle to development for years after my death.

  13. I pushed the button that cremated my grandfather.

    I’d like to go the same way. When you’re done, you’re done. No point being a bunch of bones left in the ground ‘forever’. Wipe me off the face of the planet.

  14. I wrote a will last week. Cremation without ceremony (direct cremation). No service. Not bothered and I don’t want anyone else to have to go out of their way.

  15. I used to think cremation. My mum always wanted to bring cremated but when she was terminally ill, in her last few weeks of life she suddenly decided very strongly she wanted to be buried nearby, so we could visit her all the time.

    I actually have taken a lot of comfort from visiting her, it’s nice to have a quiet place to talk to her and reflect.

    I’d like to be buried on my property, with a nice tree planted on top, so my partner can visit me regularly.

  16. The full 4k experience of being hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn, followed by my head on a pike at Traitors’ Gate. Sometimes the old ways really are the best.

  17. I didn’t have a preference, but my husband was cremated, so now I would like to be too, then our ashes can be interred together somewhere forever

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