Hi people. So after me (26f) and my ex (24m) split up after a relationship of almost 3 years we remained good friends. We broke up about a year and a half ago and since then i’ve moved on and met other people. From time to time we meet up and have casual sex no strings attached. We both did not get in a relationship after our split. Now, he has met a girl he likes and they have talked about getting into a relationship. He is postponing on making the relationship official because he wants to have sex with me one last time, since he thinks she might be the one and won’t be able to have sex with me anymore. I got upset because i consider this as cheating and him fooling people around him. If he has strong feelings for a girl why the need to have sex with me? We got into a big argument and I accused him of treating me as a piece of meat. We have now stopped talking to each other. What do you think, am I exaggerating? I need advise on whether I made the right decision to stop communicating with him.

  1. OMG leave the past in the past, how are you suppose to move forward if you keep stepping backwards.

  2. You’re never gonna fully move on if you stay in contact with him and keep sleeping with him. Tell him it’s totally over and to never call, text, or come over ever again. Then block him everywhere.

  3. You need to tell the girl. I’m sure he’ll cheat on her once they’re together

  4. I think what you did is right and your stand that causes an argument should be a wake up call for him to act right and choose wise decisions. Not fool around saying she might be the one but still considering you as an option.

    But also, IMO, it could be his way of closure for both of you since he thinks she might be a real thing, just not acting on it yet. I’m not saying it is somehow “okay” but at least, he’s not fvckng around both of you at the same time, just wanting to pursue someone after ending a thing from you. Don’t think about it too much if you don’t care about him anymore as it might just cause you frustration.

  5. Just wait for him to call you to come sleep with him on his bucks night for the same reasoning. Absolutely vile and on top of that this sort of shit always surfaces eventually, she will do the math and realise he chose to sleep with you way later than would seem reasonable.

    You say there was no string attached but it has unfortunately kept you socially and to a degree emotionally engaged with a guy that is clearly a creep.

  6. If i were you i would tell the girlfriend.
    The guy is such an f-head, she deserves to know that he is doing this to her.
    Once the that’s sorted then bounce.

  7. She’s the one, but he’s still sniffing around for puss? He sounds like a d-bag. Cut contact. If you want to go nuclear, contact the current girl he is obviously stringing along at the moment and show her the receipts before she gets emotionally involved with a player because by the sounds lof it he will probably cheat on her using fomo as an excuse.

  8. I think he is one of those guys who will joke about their wives as “the old ball and chain” and view relationships as prisons. Hence the need for him to “fuck around” one last time before committing

  9. Lady, I am a male & I will say your position is totally correct. What kind of a creep would do this to 2 different women, if you get my drift here.

  10. Honestly.. he’s being incredibly disrespectful to the girl he claims he “likes”. If he NEEDS to have sex with you first, she deserves better. And honestly, she likely would dump him if she knew this.

  11. I don’t understand why people keep going back to the person they broke up with? Why even have any contact with a person who is supposed be in the past? And now he wants o cheat on his future gf before even getting in a relationship with her.. No

  12. Yes you did the right thing, it is a despicable act, in which he pretends he has been faithful to a girl he likes, and he uses you for a piece of meat, knowing he will be casting you aside. He even tells you first. You made the right decision.

  13. Treating you as a piece of meat? Really? You both are treating each other as a piece of meat by having “causal sex”. Now you get angry because he wants to do it for the last time. You two need to move on and cut the contacts.

  14. You have to tell the girl about this.. she doesn’t deserve a man like him. And your ex is clearly not over you. Why still have sex with someone you called it quits with? You may think there are no strings attached, but clearly he still is into you. I think it’s the best choice to stop having any form of communication with him, no sex, nothing. It would be better for both you and his future girlfriends.

  15. You did the right thing. The nerve of this guy. If he really is into that other girl he wouldn’t even be interested in having sex with you. You definitely didn’t over react and I truly hope this girl will see what he really is before committing herself to somebody like him. What an unbelievable ….

  16. So he’s been using you and you’ve been using him. Both treating each other as a piece of meat. That’s what hookups are

  17. You didn’t really separate them did you. This whole thing is odd. You are absolutely within your rights to say no to a farewell fuck as FWBs and I hope you find someone for yourself.

  18. Mutually consensual friends with benefits can work well if there’s mutual respect

    But imagine saying with a straight face you think you’ve found the one, the love of your life, the person who want to spend the rest of your life with. So hey let’s have a quick fuck before I get paired off

    You’re right. The minute he realised he had feelings he should stop fucking around. He’s using you as his ‘last fling’. But don’t worry I’m sure dick heads like him consider a last night of cheating on his stag do perfectly acceptable too.

    Just thank god he’s in your past and move on upwards.

  19. I’m so sorry but are you actually typing this post? You’re his ex who he f*cks sometimes. She isn’t going to trust that (because let’s be honest, who the hell WOULD). He’s an assh*le who treats you like a piece of meat, and also disrespects her by f*cking you when he thinks she is THE ONE.

    Simple answer: He doesn’t have feelings for you, he wants to sleep with you. He does see you as a piece of meat – one that he didn’t want to be with but got to sleep with anyway.

    You haven’t moved on baby, who are you kidding?
    You’re also that poor girl’s worst nightmare.

  20. Nope you’re right.

    If you did, you two would be hiding it from her forever. That’s holding a lie. Whenever she eventually found out, she would be deeply hurt because it was a deliberate move.

    You don’t want to be a part of any of that. You deserve more.

  21. Girl you made the best decision. Don’t go back, there’s someone out there who will treat you the way you deserve x

  22. When you break up with someone, my advice is block them, unfollow, unfriend. Treat them like they dead and buried. You can be sad the relationship is over, but they are dead to you. You don’t go back and have a relationship with someone who is gone, you move on. You don’t have sex with them.

    He’s not a phoenix, no rising from the ashes, this relationship is done. Please block him and move on.

  23. Just f*CK him one last time, lay there, talk about the good times, memories, your friendship when it was good and let go… Two things are gonna happen. You’ll both have proper closure knowing this is it… Or somehow you’ll both get feelings for each other again. Life’s too short to overthink and be angry man.

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