I’ve (35m) been struggling lately with my foot fetish during sex. My wife (34f) fully accepts it and her only caviot with me doing stuff with her feet is that she washes them before sex, which I’m fine with.

However during sex, I keep getting self conscious when I start licking and smelling her feet. Like I’m super turned on by it and enjoy it, but then a thought pops into my head saying “this is weird….why are you doing this to feet?” And then I get distracted in the moment and sometimes even get soft.

Just not sure how to get over this feeling. Any advice?

  1. I got this same feeling when it came to being rimmed. FWB was into it, but I felt this shame that made me feel anxious and unsexy after a while. What helped was exposing myself to it slowly over time- in your case, maybe just interact with her feet for a few seconds per session at first and continue normally, and make it a little longer part of foreplay (sometimes) over the course of many sessions. Also, some simpler foot interactions outside of a full session of penetrative sex will probably help make it not such a high stakes thing and get you used to not feeling ashamed or stressed through exposure.

    There’s no rush, and your wife is going to understand more how to help interact and keep you in the moment longer as time goes on, just make sure to offer a lot of praise and encouragement.

  2. You may be getting overwhelmed or over stimulated (physically or mentally), every once in awhile if wifey is really trying to “get her way” with, about something she knows what buttons to press but sometimes she presses too many at once and I’ll become “overwhelmed” by her sexiness or concentrate too hard on the visual and physical stimulus wifey is giving me I’ll become soft, in this case I find it helps to close your eyes and re-center yourself and focus on that one single thing, kink/fetish that got you turned on in the first place, also found watching kink/fetish specific porn helps too. (Wifey and I share a lot of same kinks/fetishes so makes it easier)

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