I have a higher libido than my bf and the last we had sex was maybe almost three weeks ago. This has been a bit of an issue on my end but Ive asked about why we weren’t having sex as often as when we were first dating and he said he’s afraid he’ll get tired of me if we do it more often. It’s kind of hard to introduce him to things I like or want in bed because of how infrequent we do it and whenever we do, there’s no buildup or the buildup only lasts five minutes and then just puts it in me. Ive communicated it with him for longer foreplay but he just doesn’t seem as interested. To be fair, in the beginning if our relationship we were long distance so whenever we did see each other it made sense that we just went at it like bunnies. But ever since I moved in with him we’ve been doing it less and less and his reasoning kind of breaks my heart. Is this a thing with too much sex with someone? Is there another way to look at it to make me understand this better?

  1. No. There’s no such thing. Tell him that you ever get bored, you’ll find new ways to spice it up

  2. I’ve been having sex with the same woman for 16 years. I feel like I just “scored big” every single time.

  3. I don’t think that’s a thing, no. In fact, in my experience it’s the opposite. The more sex you have, the more sex you want.

    Maybe he felt cornered in some conversation you guys had about it and he spit out some bullshit excuse.

    So he’s got a real low libido maybe. Maybe he’s asexual. Or he’s got some sexual hang up. Or hell maybe he’s gay and just doesn’t want to admit it to himself. I can’t tell you from here.

    The moral of the story is the same regardless, isn’t it? You’re not going to be getting a reciprocal passion here. I’m sorry, I know that can be such a horrible situation when you’re living together and really invested.

    Good luck.

  4. Advice from a much older male! Just pack your stuff up and leave. It’s not going to get any better! I agree that communication is a major part of a relationship! But if there’s is an extreme lack of sexual interest. All the communication in the world ain’t going to fix it. Life is way too short to deprive yourself of your own sexual needs. Just trust me on this one. I could write you a book. Giving you many legitimate reasons why you should. But at the end of the day, you have to make yourself happy first!

  5. No I can’t imagine you’re doing anything wrong. On one hand living with your person makes it easier to have sex however it’s a different dynamic bc you’re living with each other now. TBH I would think he’d want it more so that seems like a weird response to give.

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