why cant we talk about other countrys on this subreddit?

  1. What are you talking about? People talk about other countries here all the time.

  2. The mod team was tired of the hourly “I’m from X what do you know about us?” questions.

  3. Nationalist elitism.

    ^^^I ^^^don’t ^^^know ^^^what ^^^you ^^^mean.

  4. The subreddit is called “AskAnAmerican.” Not sure why we’d go out of out way to talk about other countries unless it’s for comparison.

  5. It used to be that this sub was flooded with questions like “How much do you know about x” and stuff like that that most Americans didn’t know anything about.

  6. Can you give an example? We talk about other countries all the time, but it’s obvious that some questions aren’t really for here.

    The only ones that I see get removed are the “What do you think about Estonia?” questions. That just gets old, and the answer is the same for just about every one of them.

  7. Ask us questions on specific topics.

    Do not ask: what do you think about all things Lithuanian?

  8. Can you be more specific? Are you asking why “What do Americans know about Uruguay, Maldives, or MyCountry” questions are filtered out?

  9. Because there used to be a ton of “what do you know about or think about herbagerbastan” questions and it was always just people listing off two or three stereotypes or answering with “nothing much”

  10. The average American is woefully ignorant when it comes to anything outside the U.S.

    Not to mention they’re also very sensitive about it and easily triggered.

  11. I mean….. look at the title of the subreddit? It’s not that we can’t, but why would we?

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