I’m still having a hard time grasping the idea of feeding 2 or more people, as someone who is 4everalone.. . Lol. So can anyone just shed some light on the details for me?

Like, whose the main cook in your house? How’s your grocery bill looking? Do you cook most days, or rely on big batches for leftovers? Are leftovers your main source of lunch? Do you eat out on weekends?

Anything else I may have left out!

And if you’re the main cook, is it as hard to please two people as it sounds like?

I like to cook lots of experimental things as someone single, when I have the funds to, and I really don’t think my imaginary partner would be happy with that, especially because I often fail lol.

Oh and what are some of your favorite standard weekly meals?

Thanks 😀

  1. Lunch for me is meal prep (I prep twice a week).

    Dinner is typically new every night or sometimes we’ll have leftovers for one night after. Our system is I pick up groceries on my way home from the gym, my girlfriend cooks while I shower, then I do dishes.

    Takeout once or twice a week.

  2. I usually cook for 4 so we have some leftovers to take for lunch and occasionally meal prep. Favorite meals: home made pizza, firecracker chicken or sesame chicken, chicken pot pie, baked chicken with rice and veggies, breakfast for dinner, butter chicken and naan

    Groceries can fluctuate between 200-300, but we also have a toddler

  3. You eat what the cook makes. You can make your wants known if you help with shopping, but if they shop and cook, you get what you get.

  4. Generally it’s just as easy to cook for three or four as it is for one, if you’re doing home-made stuff. This is especially true as most recipes and portions are laid out, usually, for a “family of four”. (The stereotypical ideal of the American Dream) The issue doing it for one is that you got a lot more left overs to deal with than you might want. Wasting food is very much a concern as a result, especially if it’s something that’s not very appetizing to eat day after day after day.

    I hit that and generally get very selective at what I want to do, so I’ve tended to do smaller portioned things I can get at the store (usually pre-made), eat a lot of sides as full meals, and eat way too much of certain things. This isn’t very healthy in the long run. I know a lot of people will make a full meal on the weekend, and then eat leftovers out of all of it for the entire week. I need to transition to where I can stomach having lots of left overs like that, but that’s a challenge for sure, as I do like a little variety.

    Edit: I’m reminded to as cooking for one that it’s just easier to just break out the sandwich meat and bread or a can of soup or something like that, eat and move on. Very cost effective. But that gets old fast, too.

  5. Generally cook every other day and have left-overs in-between, except on Friday/Saturday nights and whatever night I commute into the office (takeout nights)

    When I was married, I was the only cook but my SO paid for the nights we got takeout. I knew what my SO liked, tolerated, and hated, so I tried to make sure every meal fit into one of the first two buckets. Occasional experimentation but if it went bad, it was an impromptue takeout or freezer diving night.

    Lunch is either leftovers from dinner if I cooked a really big batch of something or I do sandwiches.

  6. I cook my own breakfasts and meal prep my lunches throughout the work week. Generally supper is the only meal we cook and share. She’s the main cook but it’s interchangeable. On Sunday before we go to the grocery store we plan Sunday through Thursday and then get everything we needed. She selects the majority of the meal idea because she’s better at it (I’m rather utilitarian with my meals) while I typically remind her of what we have to use. Meal selection in based off a lot of things; cravings, shit we saw on insta or Reddit, whatever comes out of the garden that week, whatever we have left over in the freezer…etc. Weekends we tend to wing on the day of. They might be more elaborate meals due to having more time. We have similar tastes and aren’t picky eaters so 99% of the time we are both satisfied with what we cook.

    She tends to take the lead on the cooking too but we both contribute. Typically one person works on the main while the other works on the sides. I do meat better so I tend to take over that aspect. If she’s working late she will send me the recipe and I just cook it myself for when she gets home. Vice versa if I’m running late.

    We try experimental stuff all of the time. It’s fun for us. Some times it hits, some times it doesn’t. We have a few staples but generally we like to try new ideas or variations of old ones. It’s harder to fail when you have two people working on it haha.

    If there are leftovers I typically leave them for my wife for lunch because I tend to eat way more than she does at supper so it balances out.

    We split the groceries. We buy what we need for ourselves and then divide the shared stuff up.

  7. I’m the main cook as I get home from work first. We eat homemade weekdays, usually with leftovers a few times. Weekends we tend to be out doing things so buy food.

    How hard it is to please two people with the same meals really depends on the individuals and how similar their tastes are. Both me and my wife are pretty adventurous eaters and we’re both up for trying anything. Only thing she doesn’t like is olives (which is a bad opinion) and only thing I don’t like is kiwifruit. Outside of that we will eat just about anything so it doesn’t come up very often that one of us is unhappy with the food.

    Grocery bill is not great at the moment because food costs are ridiculous in Australia right now. We try to get out to a market on the weekend but we don’t have one near us so it’s always a whole thing. So we’re stuck with the price gougers.

    At the moment I’m going through a cookbook phase. I usually pick one up each time I go to the library and try to make something totally different. I have a Maltese cookbook at the moment which isn’t a cuisine I previously knew anything about and I’ve made a stuffed squid that came out really good.

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