Just recently had this happen just curious to how others handled the situation?

  1. I’d pretend I didn’t see anything and give them their privacy. Had it happen to me when I was young and that was how they reacted. It’s part of life and is embarrassing for some so wouldn’t want to make them uncomfortable.

  2. If its a girl of no relation I offer to take the reigns. If its a dude I scream I’M BLIND!!!! and then I bump into the door and scream at the top of my lungs like a wounded gazelle and stumble into the hallway crying out for God. Everyone knows I’m atheist so they’ll think I saw the second coming…..

  3. Depends on who it is. If it’s my wife, I join in. Someone else, walk out and act like I never saw it.

  4. Happened to me with an ex. Walked in on her going to town so I backed out quietly and let her do her thing.

  5. If at an inappropriate location, where there was a reasonable expectation that someone could walk in on them – I’d give them shit about it. If in say a shared dorm and they had a good reason to think they had privacy, I’d just walk back out and let them do their thing.

  6. Depends, if it’s the wife I’ll join in, anyone else, I’ll get them camera out quick. Lol

  7. Definetly a situation I would not like to “handle”. But i think I will just walk away and pretend that nothing never happened.

  8. Unless it’s in a really inappropriate situation (e.g. a colleague in the office), I’d just turn around, apologize and walk out.

  9. Obviously, you’re not a parent…

    You turn around and walk out, perhaps saying sorry.

  10. Say excuse me, do what I went in the room to do then exit quickly. It’s not that big of a deal.

  11. In my teens I had the typical dude friends and I had what they found to be an attractive sister. My friend that lives two houses down was caught with a pair of my dirty sisters lace panties stretched over his face while he was jerking off. His mom lost her cool and in a panic he told her who’s they were. His mom made him come give my sister back her undies and apologize to her… Epic! We called him sniffs for years

  12. Depends🤔 If it’s someone I know and have a sexual interest in them, then I might ask if they need a hand😅 If it’s someone else I would probably exclaim “DUDE! put a sock on the damn knob” as I was walking back out of the room.

  13. I quickly turn around and avoid the subject unless they mention it. Usually I don’t care as long as it doesn’t bother anyone.

  14. Oh, reminds me when my Indian parents caught me masturbating, they proceeded to beat the shit out of me when I was almost 13.

  15. I’d walk out and not acknowledge it ever again unless they bring it up themselves

  16. My dad walked in on me before, he shut the door fast and we laughed about it. I had a friend living with me at one time and I walked in on him and his girl and froze for a sec before closing the door.

  17. Context matters. If it’s my lady, I join in or offer to help. If it’s my brother, I start to striptease to assert dominance.

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