I \[19M\] have been dating Mattelyn \[19F, fake name\] since June. We have high sex drives so our bedroom life is great. A month ago we were cuddling in bed and she asked if she could blow on me. I agreed and it went great. It went on for 25 minutes and I was happy. The problem started in the following morning. When I woke up, my waist just hurt a lot. I pretended to be ok since I thought it was just gastrol intestines but the pain was still there. It became difficult to focus during the college day and it didn’t go away until 5pm. I brushed it off as a normal effect for doing it for the first time. But 2 weeks later while I was working on an essay Mattie wanted to watch a movie. I told her I was busy but she could blow me if she wanted to. She did it while I was working on my thesis. It was only about 11 minutes this time. It was good, and I didn’t think about it too much. But a repeat of what happened the last time happened again. Only this time it went away at 3pm. I’m not sure if this is just me or if she’s doing it too hard. I plan to bring this up to her but I need advice on what to say. I won’t be able to bring it up right now as we’re currently dealing with a family issue on her end so I’m just looking on what to say when I’m comfortable.

**TL;DR My girlfriend has blew me twice and I felt pain in the waist for the next day afterward. How do I bring it up to her?**

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