What do you look for in a burger?

  1. Toasted bun, good amount of cheese, juicy medium patty of meat with some char on it, two handfuls of fries that aren’t dry or floppy or unseasoned

  2. Toasted bun, moist and seasoned patty. If you can manage all 3, you can sell a burger to just about anybody

  3. Bread that is fresh and doesn’t brake to pieces if you want to cut it with knife. Meat that is not raw and is bigger than the bread . Meat should not be chewy. . Also would prefer a stuffed burger, instead of cheese slices. Onions, lettuce, tomatoes etc should be on the side. I don’t care about potatoes. Can’t understand why people eat bread and potatoes together

  4. Cheese, slice of ham, tomatoes, onion, lettuce, pickles, fried egg and bacon. Toasted bun.

  5. Everyone’s different, but I like what I call artery cloggers. The kind that you *feel* sliding down because they are so thick, and you know you’ll probably die of myocardial infarction. The kind that are so thick you need to drink something to wash it down.

    Besides that, I like them juicy. Jalapeños with sharp cheddar/pepperjack cheese with crispy bacon, with a mildly spicy sauce all up in that. I like veggies, but they are optional. Absolutely no tomatoes with green centers or gigantic onions.

    Honorable mention to pulled pork sandwiches with a generous amount of spicy or tangy barbecue sauce.

  6. What I look for is that mayo should be absent. And cheese should be present. Onion slice, tomato slice should be present.

  7. Medium well patty, well seasoned, nice toasted roll, generous amounts of onion, and some lettuce. Cheese is give or take.

  8. I don’t want a burger that requires you to unhinge your jaw to eat.

    I’m partial to smash patties with simple, high quality ingredients

  9. My perfect burger: well done…grilled onions…habanero peppers…jalapeno peppers…barbecue sauce…mustard…fries or chips…some more barbecue sauce…an ice cold Dr. Pepper!

  10. Decent sized patty, bacon, avocado, tomato, onion, tangy sauce that’s not mayonnaise based

    I don’t need it, but a nice to have is a toasted bin with just a little bit of crisp around the outside.

  11. Something that seems to be becoming a thing of the past: The ability to hold and eat it without making a fucking mess.

    These triple patty loaded burgers with tall buns that come on slabs of wood are such a fucking pain in the ass. If I need a knife and fork to eat the burger, I am never coming back. If I can’t get my hands around it, I don’t consider it a burger.

  12. A patty that taste good and is light, ones that are too compressed are no where near as good.

  13. Real meat that isn’t that “impossible” bullshit. Surprisingly hard to find when I live in WISCONSIN

  14. I like simple burgers. Bread, Meat, Cheese, sauce, pickles, maybe some onion. Bacon is optional, as is salad & tomato. No bonus meats.

    I like a nice, high fat coarse grind, cooked medium rare, or medium if it contains bone marrow.

    Bread needs to be soft, yet not break apart in my hands. Sesame Seeds optional

  15. A hamburger made out of meat on a bun with nothing. Add ketchup if you want, I couldn’t care less.

  16. Juicy but not too juicy, medium rare, soft bun on the top but nice and toasted inside, cheese is not solid but at the same time not stringy. Fresh veggies, of course.

  17. it’s refreshing to finally see a question on this sub that is not about women.

    but to answer your question, juicy seasoned patties, soft bread, bacon, avocado

  18. Standard

    * Basic bread (no brioche or other sweet stuff)
    * Meat that is cooked thru but not dry, preferably smashed
    * Cheese
    * Sauce
    * Pickles

    Bread and meat option goes for every burger but toppings can be anything, variety is fun – why not eat a kimchi burger once in a while?

  19. The first thing I do is remove the to half of the bun and closely examine the lettuce, pickles and tomatoes looking for a window into my future. It’s like a fast food zen thing!

  20. The basic Oklahoma, double smashed with cheese and onions.

    Preferably on a potato bun.

    Brioche can F off.

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