Men who used to be significantly overweight, how long did it take you to get a set of abs once you started doing proper exercise and nutrition?

  1. I started seriously working out in 2019, and then when Covid and quarantine hit, that gave me a lot of time to focus on myself. Quarantine is when I saw my first set of abs.

  2. This isn’t a good question because everyone has different builds and different workouts some are more consistent some work harder. Some are morbidly obese and some are just big guys naturally. Some guys have made leaps and bounds and became “health and fit” and are very strong weight lifters and never saw their abs.

  3. This is person-to-person, and depends on your starting point. Abs is 90% body fat percentage dependent. Some people start to have abs around 16/17%, but most don’t start seeing until they are under 15%. Some people just don’t have the genetics to show their abs well at all (The Rock is a good example. The Dude can sit around 10% and you can’t see much definition in his abs. Still looks ripped, but that is his weak point).

  4. As a 44 yo man that’s around 18% bf and never had abs. It all genetics. I figure until I get under 10% I won’t be able to see abs and that’s not happening but my back and legs are shredded.

    TLDR basically it’s all about genetics and BMI. Good luck

  5. Remember during this post that abs are physically unachievable for some people. Not like, a hard work and ethics thing. It’s literally impossible

  6. I haven’t been to the gym in 15 years, don’t work out at all. I work a blue collar job welder/maintenance at a mine, and I have a little bit of a beer belly. However you can still see my abs. In my opinion it’s 100% genetics. If I cut out beer and worked out for 3 months I would look shredded

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