I’m 26F. Been doing anal basically as long as I’ve been sexually active and I’ve always loved it. But for some reason I’m embarrassed that I love it.

If the subject of anal comes up with friends I always act like I don’t like it (they don’t make me feel like I should be ashamed, I feel like this on my own no idea why) and due to the embarrassment I never ask my serious partners for it, only my hookups because I don’t really care about their opinion of me lol.

If a more serious partner wants anal I make a conscious effort to not act like I like it and it’s so hard to force myself to not have an orgasm.

I would really like to get to the bottom of why I feel like this and maybe even move past it. Anyone have any advice?

  1. I’d you like just tell your partner, don’t you want to do things your partner wants? Why would you not want your partner to feel the same, don’t hide just be honest when the time is right

  2. I’m a male and was quite shocked to be requested to anal penetrate my gf when I lost my virginity— in other words, anal intercourse has become quite normal even for teenagers and women actually like it in my experience — not something they do reluctantly.

    I would explain to the potential male giver of anal penetration why exactly you enjoy this special act that is highly erotic and very clean in my experience— not to mention has a completely different pace and feel than vaginal intercourse. 🤗

  3. My guess is you feel bad because it’s taboo and a lot of people looked down it as something slutty or dirty. Are you religious? There is probably some shame involved or maybe in the past some guys have looked down on you for it.

    As a guy I don’t know why some women like, I guess it just feels good to some of them but I know it doesn’t do much if anything for others. I think some women pretend to like it just to make their partners happy and I feel bad for women in those situations but if you geniunly enjoy, I say embrace it as long as the person you are doing it with respects you for it and wants to do it too.

  4. No shame in enjoying something that feels good. Embrace it and don’t worry about what others think

  5. I’m a guy and I’m embarrassed I like having my ass played with. I get it. Shame is a powerful feeling.

  6. I get it. Hookups I’ve told that I like and do anal have always been surprised and seem excited about it. They always say they haven’t done it. I thought it was normal but I guess not. So, I’m a bit more self conscious about telling people I do it. Don’t be ashamed tho. I’ve had hookups and long term partners who absolutely love it and they are always the best in bed anyway.

  7. Look into the Madonna-whore complex. Exactly outlines how you’re feeling and maybe you can start there.

  8. Well, you’re the best person to ask. Usually you can figure out why you’re feeling something if you think about it.

    One, it’s a private issue, so I can understand not wanting to talk with your friends.

    Two, there’s the usual suspect, you believe it’s dirty or wrong in some way. That’s when people are usually embarrassed.

  9. no shame in it at all ! i wish stigmas would just disappear . be proud of your love for anal ! good for you op .

  10. I think its a cultural thing and there’s still the taboo aspect of things. When I was young (m42) anal was very niche and not really many people discussed ir was into it, certainly nobody confessed to it that’s for sure!

    Fast forward to the present and there seems to a shift in culture, take skinny leggings twerking those gym shorts/leggings that enhance your booty, it seems generationally we are in the age of the booty and booty worship so culturally are we more accepting these days? Maybe?

    My wife when we got together was always a strict no no with anything to do with anal play, a couple of drunken failed efforts on both our parts and kids got in the way for a good while but in the last few years she’s more than happy to have her booty played and pleasured with!

    I know she would feel very awkward if it came up in conversation with friends about anal pleasure but she loves it her body craves for it more so these days but there’s nothing wrong with that we’re all different and get off on different pleasures – enjoy it!

  11. Have you tried coming out to your friends?

    I know it sounds silly, but with something like this, maybe what you need is to tell them and build confidence by having the social reinforcement of friendship.

    In relationships, what if you ask your serious partner how they feel about anal. Baby steps. Over time you could get better and better at owning the fact that you like anal.

    Tell your partner “there is something I’m embarrassed about. And I’m scared about being honest. Can you help me build the trust I need?”

    Would it help if you had a partner who LOVES that you love anal?

  12. Hey, it is one thing that is hot for you. No embarrassment about that. I hope you find a nice partner that shares your enthusiasm for the back door.

  13. I would love to talk and find women who loves anal and every level of it especially if she likes fck guys asses as well you are rare and a keeper.

    I think guys have the bigger issue as admitting I love being pegged instantly says to the brain dead humans that I’m gay. But In reality I love my ass being fck and my g spit stimulation nothing to do with being gay so many people see it as a gay act????

    My partner is just getting into anal but sadly I’m a little big for her butt hole so it’s slow progress at the moment.

  14. I am a 28M and my wife sometimes plays with her fingers in my ass and I loved it so much and didn’t feel any shame and BTW she doesn’t like anal yet😂

  15. It’s definitely just because it’s “taboo” or whatever. People use it as an insult sometimes, make it seem like only “easy” girls like it, etc.
    I’ve done it. I really like it, and wish I could do it more. Who gives a fuck what people think? Most of the time, whoever you’re with will love that you’re into it. You’re allowed to enjoy sex! Have fun and enjoy yourself! Life is too short and too hard to rob yourself of simple pleasures.

  16. I’m 37 F, have been married for 9 years, and recently got into anal. Like I really enjoyed it. I was talking to one of my best friends about it and she doesn’t like it. I told her tips to enjoy it. I think with time, you get more comfortable about the topic, or you start caring less what people think.

  17. Never be embarrassed to be yourself. Your self is ultimately the only thing you can truly own in this short lifetime you’ve been given. The answer to your question is “Do not project the opinions of others onto yourself. It is their problem what they think of you; not yours”. – #williamsdwight3

  18. 2 years ago my wife would have been appalled if I would have mentioned anal.
    Now she absolutely loves it and prefers it over vaginal.
    she has absolutely no problem to tell me that she loves it but she would never mention it to friends or even sisters.

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