M/26 Training Teacher attracted to ” F/25? Age uncertain” Long term sub

Attracted to temp coworker

Me (M26) is attracted to a long term substitute (Mid 20s) who’s filled the position for 3 months but I barely spoke to her last week. I am a training teacher at the school and she is a temp sub. Her time is up middle of December and I don’t know much about her.

During a planning day I finally had the courage to ask for what the kids call her “meaning I got her last name” and I overheard her first name. I also introduced myself first and last name. She actually started as a sub for my class so I fell as soon as saw her months ago. She teaches a different grade so I hardly see her.

I understand this is very unprofessional and that’s why I haven’t sought after the idea. But knowing her time is almost up I think I need to start making a move. I just don’t want jeopardize anything. There is also a very slight possibility she stays until March. But she said unlikely because she hates 2 of her classes.

I really want to sat something but I don’t know if she’s single or even her age. I just know she’s old enough to sub and she seems to hold herself up well. Do I let this go? Or go into her class during lunch and converse with her?

  1. I mean it’s real easy as a teacher to figure out if another teacher is single or not. Do they call her Ms or Mrs?

  2. It’s not unprofessional, you’re not her supervisor or something. I say go for it.

    I don’t know if you should go in during lunch or not, I don’t work at your school. Maybe send her an email? Throw an apple at her as she’s walking to her car?

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