Gentlemen: What was the occasion when you wore a suit for the first time?

  1. I’ve never worn a proper one until I got married and I looked sharp. Now I’m into wearing them when I can, it’s a nice change up from my casual attire.

  2. A wedding when I was a kid. Borrowed a suit from a neighbor.

    I absolutely HATE wearing suits. And I hate seeing men in suits, they all look like assholes. There is no faster way to show me that I cannot trust you.

  3. My first communion or my aunt’s wedding, not sure which happened first but both when I was like 6-7

  4. 8th grade homecoming. Since my family was poor as fuck, I wore a suit as opposed to a tuxedo. I made that shit look good.

  5. Wore a powder blue tuxedo with frilly shirt and large yellow bowtie as ringbearer for an older cousin’s wedding – I think in the mid to late 1970’s.

  6. my aunt wedding and I was around 3 or 4 yo. don’t ask me how did my parent got a suit my size with bow tie because I’m not even sure how they got it.

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