Im a girl in a fwb relationship and I’m kind of falling for this guy but I don’t want to ruin it yet.

  1. Of course we can. A previous partner of mine started as a hook up and then developed into something more serious.

    I’d talk to him. You do run the risk of scaring him off if he isn’t looking for anything serious. But, if you don’t talk with him, it’s unlikely to happen by itself. So the risk is that you lose your hook up. The prize is that you end up dating.

  2. Absolutely. I for one have had it happen to me. You find someone willing to give you the most intimate of emotions and it can quickly go to their head/heart. It’s a really fine line to walk. My suggestion is to avoid sleeping with someone if you have even an inkling that they may become even slightly attached. That being said, it can work if some ground rules are very clearly laid out before hand, and both parties are completely on board. Just remember that it could possibly ruin the friendship. Especially these days where men are feeling rejection a lot more than just a few years ago. I hope whatever you decide to do works out for you.

  3. I suppose the question you should ask is : can anyone? Both can. That’s the end of that. I’ve had it work both ways.

  4. My first relationship started as friends with benefits. I caught feelings half a year in. When I confessed her reaction was “I’m not there yet but I think I’m slowly getting it too”. So we just continued for another couple of months and some day she wanted to tell me something important and it was the first somebody told me they loved me romantically 🙂

    So yes, it can happen. And maybe it takes some more time. But maybe it will never happen. If he’s a decent human being he will tell you where he’s at and not lie to you to keep getting sex. You will need to trust your judgement there.

  5. Of course. For me it’s simple; if my sex rocks my FWB’s world, then I’m not going anywhere.

  6. I’m dating my FWB, 4 years now, best relationship I’ve ever had, we’ve been 100% blunt and honest right from the start

  7. Everyone can and does, sex leads to hanging out, hanging out leads to dating, dating leads to the dark side…. cough I meant in a committed relationship

  8. Don’t know, nobody has ever suggested we be FWB. Except one girl in high school who offered to take my virginity ☺️

  9. 9/10 times he’s just fucking for himself so idk if you want to take those chances, try not speaking to him and see his reaction, if he wants to fuck tell him you are busy, if you can’t do that then just let him use you cause that’s what will happen.

  10. Usually one person in a FWB situation falls in love. I’d say 90% of the time it’s the woman.

    You probably don’t even like him that much- but you’re creating a fantasy based on the sexual experiences you’ve had with this persons

  11. It depends on how close you are with that person but it’s definitely possible. If it’s strictly sex and you two only text to meet and hook up and pretty much just leave after I don’t see attachment happening. Say if you hang out a bit before or after maybe text a little in between there will be some connection happening BUT it can also create a flip it can turn you off from each other as well. So in all if it’s just hooking up I don’t see connection but if you actually communicate eventually there will be.

  12. They can. If you’re falling for him, chances are he’s doing more than dumping his load in you and walking out the door 10 minutes later. Tread carefully I guess, it’s been labeled FWB for a reason.

  13. Simple blunt and forward answer is yes. Guys can separate sex from feelings but when an unintended connection happens we want to chase. It happens.

  14. Mine happened because of mutual kinks, and aftercare.

    Literally just talked for hours after.

    Something about someone who loves music, anime, similar interests like nerd culture and such. It happens but what will definitely ruin it is not talking. He might be down to continue, you’ll never know unless you have that talk.

    If it happens it happens. Honestly the worst regret is just not letting it happen if that is the course it’s supposed to go.

    If you both can have fun while maintaining the connection and aren’t bothered by it you are both good.

    If nothing was hidden from the get go great.

  15. I can’t speak for all, but i can speak for myself. I am a guy that has a high drive but I have no interest in being romantic, and relationships have never really worked out due to this. So I would make sure this guy isn’t the same way. A lot more guys (especially now) just want to do the deed without all the other stuff, and unfortunately a lot of the same guys lie about wanting all the other things that come with a relationship just so they can get themselves off. Be cautious and if you really feel something for this guy, then talk with him and see where you both stand. But in the case he doesn’t share the same feelings, spare yourself the heartbreak and stop this FWB

  16. You need to talk to him about it. You’re hurting yourself and setting yourself up for failure if you continue in this arrangement.

    FWB relationships almost never work. One person always wants more. Women are especially more vulnerable because of they tend to rely more on emotional connections.

    If you have regular sex, one of you will catch feelings.

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