I’m 16 year old guy. I’m at high school the first year and almost everyone has boyfriend (most of my classmates are girls). There is a girl I like but I feel it’s weird to ask her out yet since we knew each other for just few months. I don’t even know much about her. How do I know more about her? Is it okay to ask her out yet? What to do and don’t do to not look like weirdo?

Thanks in advance!

  1. Just talk to em. I used to just talk to people for like projects. Eventually they usually ask you out, or it just kinda falls together.

  2. It’s not weird or creepy to ask someone out. It’s perfectly normal human interaction. it can be done in weird and creepy way but imho act itself is as normal as saying “hello, how are you”.

    It took me years to learn above and even at 50+ it’s sometimes hard to apply.

  3. **Ask. Her. Out.**

    Don’t try to get to know her better, don’t follow her social media and like a bunch of posts first, don’t ask for information from her friends, don’t play mind games or try to test the waters. All of this is just wasting time, and waiting for someone else to beat you to it.

    Ask her out the next time that you see her. Have a time and place in mind, so that you don’t accidentally make plans to “do something sometime,” which never gets worked out. Have a slip of paper in your pocket with your name and number written on it.

    “Hey [name], I think you’re cute. Want to have dinner with me Friday? How about 7:00 at [restaurant]?”

    She will say yes, at which point you get her number and give her yours, or she will give you an excuse that amounts to “no.” This isn’t necessarily a lie. She might have a boyfriend, her parents might not let her date, or any number of things. Never, ever have I seen a woman flat-out say no, or that she doesn’t want to, or anything else that would remotely hurt your feelings. If she has a schedule conflict, ask her when would be a better time for her. Anything else, you should take as a “no” or a “maybe.”

    “I have a boyfriend,” is obviously no. For anything else, you can use your judgment. This is where your slip of paper comes in. If you sense hesitation or a “maybe” excuse, just politely say, “Let me know if things change!” and hand her your number. This is an easy, low-pressure way to leave the door open. Even if she doesn’t want to go out, it’s still a nice confidence boost for her.

    An answer that isn’t yes is still good news. You didn’t waste any time, you got your answer, and you can focus on other prospects. And, you got some good experience in asking girls out! If you gave her your number, you might still hear from her. Don’t wait around, though; you asked, and you’re free to set your sights elsewhere.

    If she says yes, I think you already know what to do. Don’t use the slip of paper, though. Get her number, put it straight into your phone, and then text her right away. This confirms that you entered her number correctly, and now she won’t lose your number since it’s in her phone.

    That’s all there is. It’s maybe 5 sentences total, and you’ll know right away if you have a date or not.

  4. Talk to your dad or your friend’s dad who seems cool. It’s better to have somebody who knows your personality and social life a lot better than strangers online guessing for you.

  5. If all most of your class mates are girls, I take it you’d consider some of them close friends?

    Have them set you up, it’s a golden opportunity.

    Also I wouldn’t sweat it too much, you’re still young, and personally dating at that age came with a lot of unwanted drama.

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