I always figure they might just be shy,

Till I see them talking to everybody else around me & it’s getting on my nerves a bit.

I’ve asked family friends what they think & they say I am intimidating & kinda just laid back & quiet.

Older people are sweet & make small talk & I smile at them & have conversations
while people my age stay away & just stare.

At times I figure what if I am just ugly, but anytime I do get out of my shell, I’ve gotten tons of attention from girls.. they flatter me about my looks & my style & my hair ect.

[at 1 point my sisters friends have been flirty to the point where she had to tell them to relax because I am shy & don’t like a lot of attention like that I get pretty anxious or uncomfortable. ]

I still feel I might look weird but Idk what else to think anymore. I clearly have bad self esteem.

I don’t think I ever see people “afraid” to talk to anybody else so what gives?

I am pretty nice after actually being approached & I am helpful ect & chill but idk.

  1. I think people normally stare when someone is unique in some kind of way. It can be fashion, hairstyle, unique facial features, being really tall or really fat or really muscular.

    You might find the particulars of why they stare to be negative or positive but I hear people say that attention is one of the best ‘currencies’ and so you can make it work to your advantage…as long as they aren’t staring at you for wearing a swastika or something like that lol

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