I just started talking to this new guy, we went on one date and I really like him so far! last night we were on facetime and we were talking about canada’s wonderland and how he was there when there was a shooting. I mentioned that I don’t understand all this gun violence and stuff and having one and he then replied with ” oh i’m planning on getting one”. Apparrently you can get a gun in canada with a license like a handheld one. Well I am totally against that stuff and do not feel comfortable with anyone in the car that could potentionally own a gun so how do I edge myself out of this situation calmly? he knows where I live too

  1. Um just tell him. owning gun doesn’t make you crazy or prone to violence.

  2. If you like this guy and like to have a future relationship with him don’t you think you two should talk about each other’s like and dislikes.

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