Context, my boyfriend and I have been together almost 2 years, and we clicked immediately. He is the love of my life and honestly the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in.

Anyways, He has an EXTREMELY high libido, which I manage with, and mine is average if not below average. Well I’m not too sure honestly. I always thought I was a horny person until I met him and he is just another level. Anyways he’s found his kink which made things a lot more frequent for him. I however don’t know what my kink is I feel like I probably don’t even have one. And I also can’t get wet, like ever. Occasionally I do, but not often and he gets really upset about it and it ends up being my fault and it really sucks. It hurts my self esteem but ik he said it hurts his too. I tell him I can’t help it but I’m curious if I can? Or is/ has anyone else been in the same boat? Id really appreciate any help on this.

1 comment
  1. Imma let all the women step in to help you with the question about being wet. But there’s a lot of flags here. You’re both young and inexperienced. So let’s chalk it up to learning.

    There is no “one kink.” I mean, I guess there can be, but writing it like that makes it sound like the Holy Grail. Sex is not the Holy Grail. Sex is dynamic and fluid and will change based on partners, experience, age, and a million other factors. Your partner is shaming you for not knowing what gets you off, but it sounds like it definitely isn’t him. Some people do have one kink for their entire life. Some have many. Some have none.

    People may like one thing with one person and not with the next. People may pursue certain things with every partner they have. Not having a kink at 19 is perfectly normal. Having 20 kinks at 19 is perfectly normal.

    Your partner making you feel guilty and shameful over any of this is not. (I mean arguably it is for 19 year old jerks, but it shouldn’t be. You’re not the problem, is what I’m getting at.)

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