My dumb@ss is curious

  1. There’s no one answer to this question, it takes all kinds of people to make up the world. I do not fit the stereotype of being “manly”. Just focus on being a good person over everything else, forget whatever you think society expects you to be.

  2. I have no idea at this point bruh, one side says that men should show emotion, then that same side mocks us for showing too much emotion or for not showing emotion exactly how they want you to show it, the other side won’t even ask you to show any emotion, they will just tell you to be “strong”, what the fuck ever that means, I am honestly tired at this point.

  3. I think people get caught up in the whole alpha male thing but get it wrong.

    They say, go get your money, get your muscles, get your plates. Which is all great don’t get me wrong.

    I just think the definition of a true alpha male is taking care of your people, protecting the weak, and offering something of substance to the world to leave when you pass.

  4. A man is a human male, [naturally born with a penis,] who is MATURE (Well Developed/ experienced) in various areas of life.

    Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, Sexually, and Psychologically.

    He is guided by self control, discipline, intelligence and has the ambition/ drive to achieve goals.

    He creates things and opportunities that help benefit & provide for himself and others.

  5. Adult human male. You can be super feminine and wear dresses all you want but you’re still a man.

  6. Having a penis

    Being a man has nothing to do with being masculine. You can wear pink, like Barbie, enjoy putting on makeup and wearing crop tops. None of those things make you any less of a man.

    Men used to wear skirts back in the day. We need to get rid of the stupid narrative of assigning certain attributes to certain genders.

  7. Don’t know how many times I’ve had this discussion with my female friends, my nieces… telling them they don’t want and need to find, get, “boyfriends”… but, a man, not just some guy…

    a guy being nothing more than a boy in adult form, but with the same level of immaturity, lack of self-awareness, and/or awareness overall, of anything outside of themselves, and/or of those around them, of life, the world, anything! besides just bein’ some dude, guy, douchebag superficial cliche, that’s about as deep as spit, who can’t be counted on for anything than to just limitedly be that

    Sorry… just isn’t easy being a man in a world full of pathetic loser guys, and having oneself, their whole gender identity, being dragged down by them, as all guys/men being the same… no, we are not… don’t go shooting all the dogs because most of them have fleas… there are men, and then there are guys… and any good woman, or man, can tell the clear difference between the two

    A man, is someone who is beyond himself, is more, better… not defined by his gender, or male attributes… but, is a human being, whole, complete, not only to himself, but also to those around him, to the life and world around him… who lives not just only for himself and his needs and wants like some boy/child

    Men, we, are just more than the sum of our parts…

    Actually found that hard to define… you just know one when you know one, as well as sure as hell know who isn’t one…

    we are out there though

    Okay, end of rant

  8. Being a man is taking responsibility for yourself. Being a woman is taking responsibility for yourself. The answer to this question is being an adult.

  9. I feel like a man when:

    I appropriately manage responsibilities and obligations even if inconvenient – i. e. Being reliable

    I perform a task that improves the lives of those around me. That could be cooking, cleaning, fixing things, whatever helps.

    I stay true to my ideals in the face of adversity.

    I care enough about myself and others to take care of myself and others.

    These can be fulfilled by, but are not exclusive to, traditionally masculine pursuits. Braiding hair and painting nails makes me feel just as manly as changing car parts. Maybe not just as, but you get the idea.

  10. Protecting and defending what is important to you.

    But everyone has their own ideas on it, find yours.

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