I heard someone say that, and that they said that’s a prime example, about how “only looks doesn’t matter” meaning having positive facial expressions can make a difference

  1. Our facial expression has a profound impact on how approachable we are, because it is a window into our emotional state. It’s easier to connect with someone who is relaxed, present, and in a good mood. If that’s reflected on their face (softened facial expression, slight smile, making eye contact), they’ll be more approachable. Meanwhile, someone who appears irritated, distracted and not present won’t be nearly as approachable.

  2. I like my partner because of their facial expressions. It makes me comfortable when somebody is very expressive

  3. I used to work in sales/customer services and let me tell you, whenever I made an effort to be smiley, my clients were super happy with me. I didn’t feel any differences inside but the way they perceived me changed significantly. Then their happiness made me very happy. Naturally, I would like it when someone looked happy/smiley toward me, too.

  4. I get the opposite: people feel perfectly fine telling me I have a bad facial expression. I have taught myself to not respond.😊

  5. People only say negative things about my facial expressions. I have facial tics and it makes me really sad when people point them out and make fun of me. I think I’m going to kill myself because of this.

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