Everyone has boundaries, and I think it’s generally agreed that after a certain point, it’s starts to be annoying and/or creepy to keep seeking someone out or hanging around them. I’m always wondering if I’m getting to that point where I’m bothering people, and try to moderate how much I seek out people accordingly.

But I’m starting to think that I’m misreading the boundaries, and it’s causing me to constantly be on the outside of friend groups. So, while it probably varies from person to person, what are some good general guidelines?

1 comment
  1. >So, while it probably varies from person to person, what are some good general guidelines?

    Ask them to inform you when you are (close) overstepping the boundary and clearly state the boundary, so that you would know the limit.

    There are people who are not aware that they have some boundaries, because those were never crossed. So some people can’t warn you about it before you unawarely try to overstep it.

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