I’m (34) in LDR with a girl (24). she chased me for an year. she love bombed me a lot. and I was scared after my last breakup and always were at a feet distance from her. I didn’t wanted to get heartbroken again. I let her message and call me daily and let her pour her heart out to me. I was lowkey liking the love and attention.

“I was getting addicted to her without knowing and she told me “”I love you”” everytime on every call and since I was not expressing much , she always got confused and wanted commitment and that I’ll never leave her. ”

she have many male friends and she told me about them regularly. I told her both things.. that to not tell me about them , and that for her good , find a local guy and be happy. but she said that she wants me only.

I knew that once addicted , it will be difficult for me since I can’t handle my emotions well and also bcoz of her extrovert nature and many male friends, and bcoz of work , I tried to take breaks from her. and she always resisted that a break will totally end the relationship. I just wanted a three four days break. but she were always there not wanting me any type of break.

I also blocked her multiple times on WhatsApp and she convinced me everytime that it’s not mature way to deal with a relationship which was right. and I unblocked her everytime. this happened for a year. but few days ago ,I got frustrated , told some harsh things and blocked her and was away from her for two days.

but I was addicted to her and I got back to her but this time she had taken it really personally and have been ignoring me since that.
I am trying to convince her since two weeks and she’s not bulging. is it bcoz of someone else or she want me to go through same longing. when asked , she sweared on family that there is no one and that she is busy in career now.

what should I do?

should I try to convince her bcoz she also tried to win me for a year? should I leave it on her? I’m scared that if I don’t chase her back , then it will totally end. I really love her. she’s a kind loving genuine girl.

Tldr – my gf is hurt and indifferent after a little break and is ignoring me now.

  1. I guess it makes sense that you’re trying to date someone 10 years your junior because you sound very immature for your age. You’re almost the same age as I am and you’re resorting to blocking her on chatting programs to enforce “breaks” (effectively giving her the silent treatment)? Calling her an “addiction”? Pushing her to let you go and then getting upset when she actually does? She’s hurt and indifferent because you’re pushing and pulling at her emotions and she’s had enough.

    Come on man. What you should do is leave this girl alone and work on yourself. You say you can’t handle your emotions very well, that’s probably a good place to start. Talk to a therapist about that and about your past relationship and commitment issues.

  2. End things.

    It took a year of love bombing for you to agree to date and now it’s not working out?

    Sounds like it was never supposed to work out and isn’t working out and won’t ever work out, not to mention age gap really does matter.

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