I know a variation of this question has been asked before, but I’m conflicted right now. I have the opportunity to move from my hometown of Boise, ID to the West Village in NYC. My uncle has a rent controlled apartment there. I graduated college last fall, got a job recently in my discipline but I don’t do anything here anymore since getting sober. I’m bored, I’ve looked at meetups but there’s slim pickings. I don’t really have friends here anymore due to a variety of reasons.

I have a great setup here in my hometown. I pay like 1/3 the amount on rent for a house than I should cause my landlord hasn’t raised rent in my 10 years of living here. I would say my life is great but I’m not living if that makes any sense. So, I’ve potentially decided to sell most everything I own. Save up about 10k and move in with my uncle in NYC. I wouldn’t have a job lined up but my uncle knows some people to at least get me started being a cook again as I have a few years under my belt in restaurants. Im worried I’m going to leave and regret it. What do you think?

  1. Here is the thing. There is no downside to this, and you will never know what would have happened on the other side of this “sliding doors” moment.

    But this sounds like a huge opportunity : but think about the” might have beens”:

    You stay in Boise, and meet the love of your life.

    You stay in Boise and are killed in a freak rotten potato gas explosion.

    You move to new York, and meet the love of your life.

    You move to new York and are killed in a freak, could only happen in no new York thing (I got nothing)

    What I would suggest that you do is go to new York for a month. You can live there cheap. If you like it, go back to Boise and clear out your gear.

    That way you aren’t burning bridges and can make a semi informed decision.

    Also a good time to visit. I hated winter in new York city. You wouldn’t want to be there for your visit in say May and then discover the slush filled hell scape it becomes in January. But then you are from the Midwest so might be like “when will it get cold”? As the wind is carrying people horizontally up the avenues

  2. Came home from living abroad in Beijing for a year learning Mandarin.

    Started trying to find work, got assaulted twice by my middle brother and fell into a lake of depression.

    I felt lost, tired and with each passing day I wanted to stay less. I realized that I had more fun and excitement overseas and wouldn’t have to be around the people who continued to support and love the person who gave me depression like nothing happened, “just get over it, boys will be boys.” I was tired of that bullshit. Saved all my pennies working at a bakery to get a TESOL (teaching English as a second language) and once I got it I left again for China.

    When I got onto the plane I felt the depression melt away as we took off.

  3. [shrug]

    I turned 18. 3 weeks later I was gone. What was the sign that it was time? I turned 18.

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