Yes, I understand not all women act petty after arguments. I want to hear from men who have dealt with it or are dealing with it.

  1. Stay mad/upset for the rest of the day. Once one thing goes wrong, the rest of the day is shot.

  2. Me ex wife used to used to wear clothes to bed when mad. Also cocoon her self until we made up.

  3. My wife loves to stay mad and avoid communicating all day. Then she waits until I’m gone, usually at work trying to do shit, to bombard me with text messages about it, then get upset all over again because I dont respond quickly or at all.

    Highly annoying.

  4. Not wife but two exes, the annoying thing was simply them being mad at me. Either silent treatment or snippy treatment but it was the reasons that were the problem.

    Mad at me because she had a bad day at work – silent treatment.

    Mad at me because she lived at mine rent free and it made her feel bad – constantly snippy, didn’t even offer to chip in on rent, food or bills, just mad.

    Mad at me because she had a dream I cheated on her – went through all my personal emails, assaulted me when I broke up with her on the spot.

  5. My wife is sitting next to me, I just asked her if she’s ever been mad at me – “no”. She just tries to understand. This is why I feel she’s a unicorn, there is no pettiness, I left that behind with my ex wife.

  6. Most annoying thing is when she refuses to calm down when I told her multiple times to calm down. It’s as if women do not respond to clear and direct communication

  7. Gets a new boyfriend and files for divorce. To be fair she only did that once, but it was annoying.

  8. Getting stuck in a nag-loop when she’s anxious. It’s not enough to ask me to scoop the litterbox, which I do promptly; there has to be a lengthy discursion on all the things that can go wrong if I scoop the litterbox at 7:22 instead of 7:20.

    My trick? Predicting what time she’s going to begin fussing and getting stuff done right before that. Can’t do it too soon or she’ll ask that it be done again.

  9. My ex used to go talk shit about me to her mom, who already hated me because somebody told her
    I sold weed in highschool. She was one of the “I hate drama!” chicks. Spare me.

  10. Not wife but girlfriend. She’s done this multiple times and each time was for a stupid reason if you ask me. She causes a fight with me if she gets mad at me and expects me to know why she’s mad at me. Some of the reasons include:

    1. I went for a drive with my female friend and we went to a tattoo expedition. She claims I didn’t tell her I was going with my friend. I did tell her. She called me while we we’re there and I picked up. When I mentioned I was with my friend, she got pissed, told me she was going out with her guy friend and hung up. I thought nothing of it but later that night, while we we’re on the phone, we got into a huge fight over it.

    2. This one is even stupider if you ask me. We we’re driving around town one day. I can’t remember how we got on the topic but we got on the topic of my friend. She then got a vision WITH ME RIGHT BESIDE HER that I was hanging out with my friend and that I was coming home, telling her I had feelings for my friend (who has a boyfriend mind you) and I was breaking up with her and going to date my friend. She then got silent and we got into an argument out of nowhere. I had a feeling it was because of this so I just kept driving and ignored it. She started crying. She claimed I didn’t care and turned the music up all the way. I asked if she wanted to talk and she refused. At this point, I was pissed and decided to drive her home. Didn’t even make it to her house. She got out of my car at a stop sign. I asked her if she wanted to talk before she got out and got no response. I raised my voice and asked again. She said no. We did talk later on but holy that was a stupid reason for a fight.

    3. When trying to have a conversation about something that was bothering me (her not coming around my family), she got defensive and we got into a huge fight. All I asked is she come over to the house sometimes and come to some family events with me. Dropped her off at home about 15 minutes after picking her up. I cried on the way home due to how pissed I was. We did talk and resolve things later that night.

    4. Went to see my grandmother while I was on vacation a few days after and we spent an entire day fighting over text because she had a day off from work and I wasn’t gonna be in town to hang out with her. She insists she told me before I left she had the day off. She did not tell me and I’m 100% sure of that. Yeah, that wasn’t a fun day. Couple days later, she tried starting a fight again and I straight up told her not to start with that bullshit and I wasn’t in the mood to argue. That ended that pretty quickly and she video chatted me and finally told me why she was mad at me.

    5. My dad and stepmom went away for the weekend and they asked me to dogsit for them since I was gonna be home. I invited my girlfriend over to the house that weekend. She said maybe and due to her barely coming over in the past, I took that as a no she wasn’t coming over so I invited my buddy over for the day and we hung out. I told my girlfriend this. She got pissed as she said that’s time her and I could’ve had together since she was off work. I didn’t find out she was mad that night but the next night, out of nowhere, when we we’re talking on Facebook, she got pissed over it and started a fight. I was mad at her for starting a fight but still tried to get her to tell me why she was mad at me. She refused to tell me. I gave up on trying to find out eventually. She tried calling me a little while after but A. I was pissed off at her. B. I was watching a movie with my dad and stepmom so I didn’t pick up. When the movie was over, I messaged her and told her I wasn’t in the mood to talk that night and to have a good night. She took that as me not wanting to be with her as she messaged me back telling me to just tell her if I didn’t wanna be with her (not gonna lie, almost did tell her it was over). She was bitching and complaining the entire following morning thinking her and I we’re gonna break up as I wasn’t responding to her messages. We did talk it out the next day though. Since then, we haven’t really had any fights. Wasn’t a fun night though, that’s for sure.

  11. She doesn’t get mad because we’re pretty quick to resolve, but she does get hyper-independent for a beat after we disagree on something, almost aloof. So I just take a routine pass through the kitchen and tighten all the lids on her Yetis and jars. She comes around asking for help pretty quick and I use that time to warm her up again.

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