About a week and a half ago, me (22y/oM) a woman (20y/oF) had started texting (almost daily) and it turns out we have a lot in common. We are both nerdy about starwars, we have the same sense of humour, love to get high, cook, and prefer to be in small groups rather then parties or gatherings, and we have very similar morals and principles.

I really thought I was “in love.” Yet after all the amazing conversations, and what I thought was flirting, my shot didn’t land, and she said she isn’t interested in me the same way as I was interested in her and wants to just be friends…

I was respectful towards her about it and told her that I understand, however we haven’t talked in a few days, and she had left me on read.

I just feel so confused, and question what about me has caused her to reject me.

The whole thing has really affected my confidence in myself. I know I should move on, and I tell myself that there will be others, but I still feel terrible about it.

Any advice on how to handle my emotions and the situation?

  1. She wasn’t attracted to you.. I think the best answer would be physical.. I mean it sounds bad but not every woman is gonna be attracted to you.. so there is nothing to try to interpret. It’s not gonna happen you tried and that’s what matters.. only advice I can give.. make it known you like them from day 1

  2. REDRUM! The first thing that is wrong her is that you said you love her, after a few text convos, calm down sir, like take a beat and let’s scale back. She probably picked up on this energy realized you were maybe a bit too anxious and jumped the gun.

    She is leaving you on read because dating comes with rejection and it’s now awkward to speak to you because she knows how you feel, you are what I like to call a nice guy. The good thing is lesson learned you can now shake back with the next cool girl you meet. Just don’t approach it in the same way, cool, calm, and collective if that’s you. If not make it a least s small version of you, until the girl really shows interest in dating, and not friends.

  3. Forget about it. Move on. She is only the first of many.

    You’re 22. You don’t even know you you are yet.

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