And what time would be comfortable (or borderline comfortable) for you?

  1. The Census Bureau says the average commute time is 27 min.

    I would be comfortable with anything up to 50 min. I used to commute 30 min by train before I went full remote. Now I work from my kitchen table in my pajamas.

  2. When I used to work on-site, my commute was 15 minutes (for about 15 years) so anything longer than 30-40 minutes would probably feel excessive. I went full remote in March 2020.

  3. My current commute is a bit less than the average of 27 minutes, but I usually walk. If I were to drive it would be closer to 5-7 minutes although it would take additional time to park and then walk to my office.

    In the past when I lived in a couple of larger cities, my commute was always around 40 minutes by subway, which is about the maximum I am willing to do.

    I briefly lived in a big city a 10 minute walk from my office, but the neighborhood I lived in sucked so I only lasted about 6 months before moving and earned myself a 40 minute subway ride.

  4. Mine is however long it takes for me to get up, stretch and to walk into my office. So about 3 minutes

  5. I have had a commute as short as fifteen minutes and one as long as an hour and a half. I wouldnt want to do that again. My limit now is 30-45 minutes

  6. I’m OK with a walk, bike, train, or bus commute of up to 40 minutes. Any longer than that and I’d try to move somewhere closer. Currently, it’s 40 minutes by bus, and 30 by bike. I don’t walk because it would take too long (more than 1 hour).

    If forced to a car commute, I’d want it to be under 20 minutes. Currently it’s 15.

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