Me and my gf are currently 19 and been together for almost four years now. About a year ago me and my and my girlfriend were watching a movie in her room and we started joking around and I said “wouldn’t it be fun to have a threesome” she laughed and said “got someone in mind” jokingly and then she agreed and said she wouldn’t mind having a threesome with a other girl as long as she’s a stranger. Nine months ago the fantasy became true and we finally had a threesome with a other girl. Are relationship hasn’t changed at all after the threesome are relationships still remains intact and I would say it’s perfect. We brought up the threesome conversation recently again we came to the agreement that it would be fun to experiment and try doing with a other guy We both like the idea and are willing to giving it a shot. We have most things planned out we decided to not use dating app and actually get to know the person first and get comfortable and make sure the dude respects any boundaries we might have. We also decided to look for a person we both find semi attractive. What I’m really asking is how does one even approach a guy to join in as a third person or even start a conversation like that to guy? Feel free to dm me to give me any advice or if you wanna talk about it

  1. I think it is much easier to get a guy to join than a girl. Reminder guys are desperate especially for hookups. You or her can see any guy and ask him casually.

  2. Approaching someone for this kind of arrangement requires a lot of sensitivity and respect. Since you prefer getting to know the person first, consider starting with social settings where you’re likely to meet open-minded individuals. Engage in casual conversations without bringing up your proposal right away. Once a comfortable rapport is established, you and your girlfriend can gradually steer the conversation towards more personal topics, gauging their interest and views on such experiences. It’s crucial to be clear about your boundaries and expectations from the outset to ensure everyone’s on the same page. Remember, clear and honest communication is key in these scenarios. Good luck!

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