Over the past week, an unusually high amount of solar activity has led to northern lights being seen much further south than usual, with forecasts saying it was possible to see them in the Midwest and Northern California.

So for those who live in the northern half of the lower 48 states, did you see them yourselves?

  1. It’s been super overcast so no. But I do get to see them where I am usually a few times a year.

  2. You also need clear sky and a lack of light pollution. It’s an extremely rare phenomenon for most people not in the northernmost parts of the country. I’ve lived in northern Michigan for the last 3 years and even on nights with higher probability, I’ve had zero sightings.

  3. I wish

    Unfortunately too much light pollution where I live. I can’t even see stars on a clear night here.

  4. The only time I saw the stars in NYC was during the 2000s blackout. It’s too bright to see any stars.

  5. No, I wasn’t able. I was having an unforgettable luncheon with a work colleague, and he prepared an Albany delicacy I had not heard of- steamed hams. Apparently there was aurora borealis at this time of day, and this time of year, localized entirely in the host’s kitchen. But I was not permitted to witness.

  6. No. We can always tell when something interesting is going on in the sky, but we never see it, because that’s when we’ll be having days and days of heavy cloud cover.

  7. I saw them once in Northern California a long time ago. if you’re trying to see them from around that latitude don’t expect a big light show.

    I was at a dark sky site and it just looked like a very faint reddish glow waaaaaaay out on the horizon, it did sorta “wobble” which was cool to see.

    I’m planning to go somewhere further north at some point in my life to see the real deal, hopefully when I do we get some good ones.

  8. I was able to see them here in Maine but very faintly.

    My dad saw them from a plane from Newark to Zurich. That had to be pretty awesome. He was excited about it.

    The only time I have really seen them was in northern Minnesota. I had no idea we’d see them so it was a total surprise.

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