Was dating a girl end of last year for 2 months. Talked everyday and went on 7 dates. She says she has ADHD which doesnt bother me. As christmas gets closer she backs of with messaging and says she is going through another bout of depression and it is common for this time of year. When i go home for christmas she ghosts me, and eventually we end it mutually as i said i would give her space.

5 to 6 weeks ago we start talking again, things seem to be going really well and eventually meet up again after 3 weeks of talking. The date amazing, she was laughing the whole time, nothing was awkward and never was between us, she initiated touching and kissing, she said she had alot of and will definitely be seeing each other again. The day after the date she started pulling back responding less frequently, taking 2 days to open snapchat when before it was whenever she was active, her texts were showing she was interested by engaging in the conversation and asking me questions, but she would leave them for a day or two. I put this down to her adhd, potentially being busy and focused on her own stuff, thats cool i dont mind too much, people have lives and we arent serious. This goes on for a week and a bit. At the end of the week my best mate has killed himself. I tell her this and say i want a break and some time to reset so dont think im ignoring you by not messaging you. She says she is sorry to hear that so sorry that has happened to me. Yes take as much time as i need i am there for you. Worth mentioning she also replied to something i sent to her on insta after we texted about that.

We have always talked over snapchat. About a week after i send a snap asking her out. Didnt open it, put it down to being busy. 4 days later. I send another hoping she was just busy and hoping this will jog her memory?maybe? Nope, again hasnt opened it after a week. I send another and 2 days have gone by. Still hasnt opened it.

I have messaged her on messenger asking if she is okay and she aswell has not opened.

She watches my stories within minutes of putting them up. She has been active commenting on facebook and going out with friends on weekends.

Safe to say i am confused. She has said towards the end of last time this happened that sometimes this happens and there is no reason for it. She know she can be bad at communicating sometimes. Potentially she has bipolar and is going through depression again? She is overwhelmed atm in her own life? Or just uninterested? What do you guys think?

  1. It’s not a good idea to be in a relationship with a depressed person. Such people suffer and they spread their suffering unknowingly. You may think at first that you can deal with it, but it will get only worse with time. Mental diseases need to be cured, otherwise the relationship will be similar to the broken mirror.

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