What are you deeply insecure about?

  1. All my debt that I brought into my marriage. By the end of 2024 we will be debt free and will have paid off 200,000 in student loans.

    By the end of 2025 we’ll be in a new house.

  2. My taste in music. I listen to a lot of EVERYTHING, from opera to classic rock to jpop to world music…but I keep coming back to classical music and what are often the most obnoxious of pop songs.

  3. I always suspected my pinky toes look too stubby and then I found out that most people only have one knuckle in them….but I’m still not happy about it.

  4. I’m not living on my own, despite having wanted to for many years. It’s the housing market plus high CoL.

  5. Lack of relationship experience and not having a normal upbringing. These don’t really bother me per se. They obviously bother me to some degree but don’t overall effect every action of my life. The reason why I’m insecure about these is because I know a lot of women care about these.

  6. Failing to find a lasting and decent/serious relationship, despite dating, and trying just about anything/everything for the past 20 years!

    At this point, I honestly don’t know what I’m doing wrong i’m doing pretty well in every aspect of life other than personal relationships. Have my life together and all. But for whatever reasonpersonal relationships have just never worked out the same way.

    I seriously wish someone could tell me EXACTLY what it is that I need to change or fix to solve this problem so I could fix it! But I’m so confused and frustrated on what to do at this point I’ve pretty much given up right now, and don’t know if I will ever find someone who is legitimately interested/in love with me.

  7. Probably just that I pretty much always look tired because of some eustachian tube issues (according to the doctor). I can be super well rested and feeling wonderful, but I’ll still randomly get told, “You look so tired,” and it’s like a punch in the gut. Sucks but oh well.

  8. Lack of experience with long term relationships. 33M, only had 3 short term relationships so far.
    Also that I don’t have a good connection with my family since I’m adopted.

  9. I’m a bedwetter. It’s just something that is part of my life. It was something I did as a kid into my teens. It went away. But in my 20s I went through a pretty nasty sexual experience, and not long after that, I started again. I saw a doctor once or twice since, there’s really no physical reason for it. It’s basically a PTSD type thing. I’ve tried meds a few times over the years, but they usually have undesirable side effects. So I just live with it and manage the issue wearing diapers at night.

    But I’m 36, 37 this month. And being this age as a bedwetter is terribly draining and is my biggest insecurity. It puts a strain on almost EVERY personal relationship I have. I can’t just party with friends and crash somewhere. I can’t really make plans for any kind of extended stays without having to do some serious planning ahead. And dating?! Ha! That’s pretty much a joke.

    But I do the best I can. There are circumstances where I make due. Luckily though I have a tiny network of a select few who DO know of my issues and don’t judge me and are understanding. But even still…it doesn’t make things easy breezy lol. It’s incredibly embarrassing.

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