How would you respond if your partner never slept with you of a night again, instead played video games with people you can’t see until late and then slept separately?

  1. Are we going out, getting our bills paid, house work accomplished and have sex 2-4 days a week?

  2. I would talk to them. Support their hobby and their friendships, but try to find a middle ground to support your relationship

  3. I feel like these kind of ultra-specific questions are an attempt to gain ammunition for an argument. *”Look boyfriend, everyone on reddit agrees with me!”*

    Why are you talking to reddit instead of your dumbass SO?

  4. I have no issues with nooners

    …but my partner excluding me from her nightlife so she can play video games is unacceptable for me in a relationship

  5. I’d be ok with it. When I go to bed I want to sleep. We can cuddle and have sex whenever, but sleep time is sleep time.

  6. I would feel neglected and insulted. But I would also try to find out if she has any issues such as a gaming addiction or possibly a ( traumatic) experience which causes her to act so withdrawn. Hopefully (yes : WE !!) can seek and find good advice and counseling

  7. Pretty sure this breaks rule 4.

    But if you’re asking because this is happening in a current relationship, then you got to ask what is killing his desire to want to sleep with you?

    If it’s something you can talk about, great. If it’s something that you can meet each other halfway on, even better. Otherwise, if you think it’s a relationship breaker, then do what you got to do.

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    Have a nice day!

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