We met each other in class at postgrad uni

When we first met there was no “spark” – just a normal meeting

But over time i started to feel a huge connection with this girl. It felt ethereal and other worldly. To be honest – she isn’t “my type” physically but for reasons beyond my conscious mind, (I’m not very spiritual) but this connection felt the best i can describe as “spiritual”. I kept telling my friends i felt telepathic with this girl n i could feel a somewhat electric feeling between us even when she was sitting across the room.

Until one day the following happened; I was sitting in class across the room and i looked across to the side of her. When suddenly, I couldnt even “see” her properly. I know i might sound crazy or on drugs (never touched drugs!) when i say this but I didn’t see a person anymore. What I saw is what i can best describe as an “emanating light” that was radiating out of her. N it was profound n i was awe inspired but in complete hypnotic state. It felt in that moment i was not seperate from her . I felt a oneness i find words hard to describe n the emanating light was one of the most beautiful things ive ever seen.

Shortly after the “experience” i start shaking my head. Then i start thinking wtf ? – I was so confused i didn’t go to class for a week. I thought i was going crazy n im like i felt so confused. Im asking my friends wtf if im going crazy. I was telling my friend the story and he was saying he’s experienced something similar when he’s fallen “in love”.

after this event i somewhat withdrew n started to keep my distance. It made me anxious and i couldnt tell why. And from that moment on i caught her staring at me from across the room. Constantly. And every-time she was id get anxiety. (Reminded me of high-school when you get butterflied). Then a mutual friend comes up to me and says “i think XX likes you. She keeps talking about you n ive seen her stare at you”

Finally we cross paths in class and meet. And upon meeting her i , unexplainably, just start blurring out all these facts about her life. I start mentioning random events about her past and her childhood and how she is going through a struggle currently in her life and all these weird random facts. At first she was intrigued then she was completely curious asking me how i knew. I told her , n i was honest, that i dont how i know or what im saying its just “happening”. Then she warmed up n we had discussions. She seemed genuinely curious.

Two days later im leaving class and she runs behind me and asks me to have a one on one with her “in my car” (this was 9pm)

She gets in my car n tells me she has a bf (to my disappointment) that she currently not happy with n suspects is cheating on her. She just moved in with him 4 months ago as he bought a new house n she cant stand him because she has a strong feeling of infidelity.

(P.s. At this point in time im broke as i lost my job and i was doing this course to find a new job. )

I tell her that if her intuition suspects that he is cheating she should investigate it n to never ignore her gut. N that was it.

This conversation was on a Friday

Come that weekend i have a dream. And in the dream i see a snake eating its own tail. An Oroborus. (Didnt even know that it is called an Oroborus till after the dream)

Monday comes i see her in class again. (The light event was the Wednesday before)

She comes up to me n says “I thought about or convo on Friday. And even though i suspect he is cheating im going to stay with him”

To which i replied “Whatever your gut says listen to it”

Ok now….

Honestly the best way i can word it is after this convo is she transformed into a demon before my eyes

She starts looking at me with rage in her eyes. Its like the rage of 1000000000000x demons

She starts pouting at me

She starts swearing at me beneath her breath

She starts telling people behind my back that she hates me

Confused. I confront her and say

“Hi. You seem upset at me. Want to discuss it”

She says in a pissed off tone “No!”

So i leave it.

Two weeks pass. She is still pouting and looking at me from across the room with the eyes of a demon

Again i approach her n say “Hi”

She responds “I dont want to know you. I hate you”

I respond “Whats the reason”

She responds “I dont need one”

I kept my distance from her for two weeks.

Then on the last day of class (before end of term) i get an anxiety attack before attending class. Ive never ever had an anxiety attack before. N i was like wtf why do i have an anxiety attack !

I get to class n turns out she isnt there. Her brother approaches me n opens his phone. In the phone it shows her messaging him that she hates me and that thinking about me gives her anxiety and that she wants to call the cops on me. Her brother was very friendly n i told him i wont contact her anymore. I asked him why she feels that way given ive done nothing to her. He told me he doesnt know why shes acting that way n she cant give him a reason why. I said fair enough n we shake hands n leave.

Two days pass. Again. I have another dream but this time i see her in the dream. In the dream she tells me she regrets what she has just done. I wake up from this dream with a loud knock on my door.

I go open the door.


Police tells me that she contacted them because i “give her anxiety”. That there is no evidence against me at all. And that everything is fine as-long as i don’t contact her but that this visit was there first n therefore any contact i do to her after this visit would be enough for her to get a restraining order against me.

As the cop walks out she says to me “ill be honest with you. She seems crazy. You have nothing to worry about just dont contact her”

N that was it. I dont know what i just experienced. I dont know why she hates me. I dont know what that “light moment” was. N my brain is looping trying to make sense of what the fuck i just experienced.

And in a even weirder way. I wish i could just have a conversation with her. But i cant.

Im moving on its fine. Her calling the cops was wayyyy overboard! But thats not the problem. The problem is my brain is always thinking
“Wtf do i make of all this that happened?” N i cant seem to let it go !

Because i cant make sense of any of this ?

The best way i can describe it is you open your cupboard one day and you see an alien. N ur brain is looping on what it saw because it wants to make sense of it.

Wtf was the point of all this ? Gah i feel crazy Wtf did i just experience ?

Advice ?

1 comment
  1. Guys I read it all so you don’t have to.

    If you read this, get ready to want to throw your phone out the window because op can type all of this, but can only must an “n” for the word “and” about 20 times in this drivel.

    The police don’t come to your house because someone says you give them anxiety.

    Get back on your meds, OP. Your manic stage is out of control here.

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