I recently got a camera in my house because I adopted a pair of sibling kittens. Since then I’ve observed myself on camera and realized my body language and responsiveness is dismissive of my partner and I look absolutely miserable. Now I know why he’s always asking if I’m mad at him! I look at myself and I look completely in my own world, trapped inside my head and unhappy. I had no idea I looked like this.

How do people look friendly and engaged? Is it a conscious effort, do you just smile even if you don’t feel like it? Should I make conversation for the sake of talking? I don’t know what to do about this but I know I don’t want my partner to feel unloved, I know how it feels.

1 comment
  1. It’s definitely a conscious effort that overtime becomes natural. Also you’re allowed to look relaxed in your own home. You might not look that way out and about.

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