It’s 11PM on a Wednesday right now. I’m very shaken up. I’ve known this girl for about 5 months. I’m 15, she’s 14. We’ve gotten extremely close, we have a lot in common and I love her to bits. However, we both have depression and we do talk to each other about it, but tonight just got traumatic for myself.

She talked about how suicidal she felt. For the next hour, I’m talking to her about how everything is gonna be ok and she’ll be happy if she does whatever she enjoys and takes the right path. Then she starts cutting herself.

I’ve cut before, but it wasn’t this bad. Her entire arm was covered in blood. I freaked out, not knowing what to do so I called an ambulance. I walked around my bedroom, shaking, telling the operator everything that was happening and eventually they got to her. The cuts weren’t life threatening, so that’s a relief.

But when this was going on, she was messaging me, talking about how much she hates me. The police officer that told me what was happening said that her father thanked me heaps, but to be honest, I’m scared she hates me.

I love this girl so much and I’ve spent so much time with her. I don’t want it to all crumble down just because she didn’t want to be saved. What do I do. I’m so scared and I don’t ever wanna relive this moment.

EDIT: Hey everyone, thanks for your support. Ik its been an hour since I posted this, but I feel I should update you all. Me and her are still friends which I’m happy about but im more happy about the fact she’s alive. She doesnt hate me and isn’t gonna hate me anytime soon.

  1. you did what was right

    if she hates you, let her

    you need new friends who don’t hate you for saving their own life

    ik you don’t wanna flush down 5 months of efforts and time



  2. So sorry you’re both going through this, I can’t imagine how hard it is.

    Firstly, I appreciate you for what you did. Secondly, she’s mentally ill, she’s not in a right place. I’m sure she doesn’t hate you, we have no idea how many horrible things have been going through her head lately, consuming her. Give her time, she surely doesn’t hate you.

    I hope you’re both going to be well.

    Editing to add that if you aren’t already, talking to a therapist will help during such traumatic times ❤️

  3. You did the right thing.

    If your friend is truly your friend she will come around

  4. You just saved somebody’s life, not just anybody, your best friends life. Remember that.

  5. She needs space from you. I’m pretty sure she hates herself more than she hates you. With time and therapy, that may turn around. You did the right thing and I respect you, even if you feel misunderstood right now.

  6. As someone whose “friends” have done this exact same thing to me I can see both sides.

    Be prepared to have this friend cut you off completely and want absolutely nothing to do with you or be open with you until she gets into a better mental state. She probably (especially at such a young age) has her parents hammering he with every anti-suicidal technique they can possibly think of. Give her some space and time and if you really want to still be friends with her, let her come to you and talk to you when she’s ready. Otherwise, I’d pick different friends op.

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