A little background on me, I am currently 23 (F) and just transferred from a two year to a University here in my state. After the pandemic, I lost a lot of my friends and focused mainly on school while studying at home. A lot of my friends I made in the Air Force and I have recently separated.

I am now living on-campus at the school I attend and have had the hardest time connecting with anyone. Most of the kids here are 17,18,19 years old so I have found that it is a bit difficult connecting with these kids who are straight out of high school. I moved in on September and since then have not made friends with any of my dorm neighbors.

I will also say that I have a ton of social anxiety when it comes to talking to new people, so whenever I try to make conversation with someone in class or at some of the clubs I’ve tried, it always ends up being really awkward and I sometimes say really weird or awkward things that I think might deter people.

I’m really starting to think that I’m unlikeable and that it has something to do with me. Most of the people in my classes have already made pretty solid friendships with the people around them so I feel like it would be very desperate to try and budge into a new friend group. Would that be rude or weird?

Any advice or criticism is welcome.

1 comment
  1. a public speaking and/or acting class might help with the anxiety. partner dance classes might help too. have you tried a team sport?

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