Over the past few months I started getting close with this one girl from work.

It got to the point where we were going out with a group of friends to bars and other places.

I started noticing she was giving me a few signs and kinda started catching feelings for her.

The entire time I couldn’t tell if I was a bit delusional or if it was really her giving me actual signs.

I was one of like 2 people she asked for rides from work. She offered me rides when I was too drunk. She offered me her house to stay the night when both of us were too drunk to drive. She frequently payed for my drinks and food. We shared drinks.

Obviously this is something right?

Craziest part is she initiated most of this. It wasn’t me being creepy and begging for a crumb of attention, she would walk up to me and started conversations.

Like I said I was confused and too nervous to really take the signs for anything so I started watching some bullshit like “sighs she likes you” videos. And even then, her body language was always open and positive around me. Whenever we talked she had her full attention and body pointed towards me.

Only issue

She has a bf and eventually quit the job.

She was open about her bf but never brought him up directly to me. There were opportunities to bring him up but she didn’t. Yet whenever others asked she would answer about him.

And now I’m just stuck in this fucked spot. I really enjoyed her company. I really want to think she enjoyed mine too.

But ever since she left we basically haven’t talked. We have messaged from time to time but it’s nothing like it was in person.

Idk if I was overthinking the signs or what.

Maybe her bf caught on and put a stop to it?

Maybe she realized what she was doing and decided to stop?

Could she have been faking it all in person? Maybe testing me? I don’t know but it’s driving me crazy.

I believe in fate and if she wasn’t the one then that’s fair game but it really feels like I’ll never find anyone close to her.

I know I should believe that I’ll find the right person but for now it doesn’t seem like it and it’s fucking me.

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