Hi! So I have a qs I’d like your opinions on. I met a guy 5-6months ago on an app, we matched he asked for my number & I gave it. We chatted but I was busy & wasn’t very responsive to him…. Then I forgot to reply him & went on with life. ~5pm the later I see a WhatsApp post from him and remember, plus I saw his photo & he was looking good. I msg him hello, & he responds. Then asks for my IG. I give it but the texting convo just dies out again…. Am I trippin or is he just not interested?

Edit: I do have ADHD and forget text responses. And his response to a convo 6m prior was something like “amazing” to a response I gave. I at the time thought he too had low interest.

  1. “I wasn’t very responsive to him…. I forgot to answer and went on with life”. You’re putting this on him?

  2. To be fair he probably thinks your not really interested in him since you forgot to message him back for while.

  3. Could be not interested. Maybe you’re really political and he wasn’t super keen on it. Or maybe he’s just busy like you were.
    I know I’m always chattin. But a lot of people aren’t. I know this doesn’t help much, but just msg him in a day or 2 and see how his attitude then.

  4. If he asked for your IG, he’s interested. He just remembers when you stopped texting, so he doesn’t want to be too forward. Honestly, if you want to, make the first move. I could very well be wrong, but I think you’ll be successful.

  5. To use your words, “he forgot to reply to you and went on with his life”.

    A big part of dating and relationships is matching effort. Most men don’t mind doing the pursuing and arranging dates in the early stages of dating, but we really know we have found a woman worth dating when you as the woman put some equal effort into planning something fun.

    It sounds like he was probably into you initially but then you blew him off. Most guys (including myself) would quit pursuing at this point (I usually block/delete move on) but he probably kept thinking he had pursued you for this long so why not keep chasing?

    The fact that you finally responded was a long-shot but for some reason you did. Unless you came back with a massive apology for blowing him off and made it up to him quickly, then he still looked at you with a lot of doubts.

    My guess is another girl dropped into his life and you’ve been put on the back burner. He may reach out again if new girl drops off but you’re now his Plan B at best.

    Bottom line is if you are interested, show him that you are interested. If you’re not he will figure it out soon enough and move on.

  6. He probably thinks you weren’t that interested and moved on. Also are you ADHD? I know I know people with ADHD that do stuff like that. A lot of what they do can come off as rude, uninterested, or careless and forgetful if you don’t understand they have a mental disorder.

  7. He’s most likely no longer interested because he’s perceived you as not being interested either. You let the convo die out, you went 6 months without messaging him and only did again right after he posted on whatsapp, you then let it die out again on IG. Nothing you’ve done so far would indicate to a guy that you’re seriously interested. At best he probably thinks you’re someone that wants to keep him on the back burner with this sporadic contact, and no one likes being the backup plan.

  8. >Then I forgot to reply him & went on with life.

    No, boo. He went on with HIS life. He left the ball in your court and you decided to take it home with you instead of making your shot.

  9. People and even life itself is very fleeting. Treat others how you want to be treated OP. Life is too short for any BS games, or excuses.

  10. You were not really putting enough effort from the sound of it. Without effort I would assume it means to move onto the next

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