This is a little lengthy so thank you for reading or skimming this I need advice. We live in a 2 bedroom apartment.

Too Long;Didn’t Read at the bottom.

My post has some backstory.

During conversations, she will tell me my opinions are wrong and irrelevant and when I try to tell her it’s rude and hurtful to say those things, she tells me “you can say the same thing to me, I’m not going to say nothing like you’re telling me to do”?? When we were moving she also switched our moving date with our leasing agent without even asking me if that day was okay first. When I bring up specific things she does that hurt me she immediately switches back to herself and says “nothing I say is personal” and “okay but you hurt my feelings a lot too” but won’t want to actually bring up whatever I’ve done that’s hurt her when I ask what she’s referring to so we can talk it out. She can’t acknowledge when she’s hurt me.

The issue at hand: Recently she texted me asking me to go down to the leasing office for her for a sound she’s been hearing in her room for weeks. Our leasing office is in a completely separate building than the one we live in. Her boyfriend mentioned it could be rats and this is what sent her into a panic. I was at our apartment doing a telehealth appointment on my day off and she was in class. I considered doing it, but it was out of my way that day and I had an abundant amount of personal to-do’s on my plate. She could’ve handled this weeks ago or later when she got back, I didn’t need to drop everything to do this for her immediately like she wanted me to. She told me to show them videos she took and sent a very long texted explanation of her experience over the past few WEEKS, to relay to the leasing office. I told her I couldn’t help her that day, I was home but not available I had a telehealth appointment and I was hosting a guest later. She usually will check my location to see if I’m home and ask me for favors which usually aren’t a big deal. This day she checked my location and saw I was walking near the leasing office and assumed I wasn’t doing anything. She has admitted to checking all of our friends locations impulsively.

She continued contacting me throughout the day telling me she couldn’t understand why I said no, explaining why it was just one thing that she needed, and that she’s just not gonna ask for help with anything with the apartment anymore because she needed that done as soon as possible and I couldn’t “do the one thing she needed me to do” and that she would do it if I asked her. She told me passive aggressively that her other friend said “it’s an issue for the entire apartment” and “I don’t understand why you can’t just do it, it’s just one thing”. I bring up to her everything I have done for her and the apartment and this is the first time I’m saying no to her.

She then says to me that her therapist also said it wasn’t a big deal for her to ask me to do that favor for her. I told her the therapist doesn’t know what I have going on or the dynamic of our relationship and therapy is private, she could’ve kept that between her and her therapist. She says she was in therapy in between classes during this texting conversation and brought it up because I reacted “strangely” to her request. She wanted me to know the therapist said that and I felt like she was gaslighting me/being manipulative.

If one of us was experiencing something with one of our toilets for weeks, it could potentially be a plumbing problem for our entire apartment, but it’s not up to the person not experiencing anything with the toilet in their bathroom to reach out to a plumber as soon as possible. The gist is: I said no, she didn’t respect my boundary. Our history has proven that there is no point in trying to talk things out with her.

TL;DR- I told my roommate I was busy and couldn’t do her a favor she urgently asked me to do regarding a maintenance issue in her room in our apartment. She thought she had been hearing rodents in her room for weeks, I told her I haven’t heard anything in mine. We had an inspection done and there are no rodents. She did not respect my boundary of “no, I can’t help you with this right now” and drew it out into a long fight texting me all day that she doesn’t understand why I couldn’t do it. During this fight she mentions that her therapist also agreed that it wasn’t a big deal for me to do this task.

Would it be petty for me to make plans to move out? I’d still pay the rent or find someone to replace me. Is it just a personality difference? I feel like things have been happening where I’ve tried to be patient and work things out but I’m seeing her true character and I don’t know how to go about it. She really hurts me.

  1. Honestly your friend sounds like a jerk and if you can get out of your lease you should. She may be upset but she’s not a good friend anyway. Hate it when people use their therapist as a reason to enforce their Own agenda

  2. **Stop sharing your location with her**, that’s a crazy thing to do. Stop sharing it in general, you have weird dynamics with your friends. Keep your privacy, engage with her less. The dynamic between you two sounds pretty codependent. It just doesn’t sound like you’re compatible. If you want to move out, that’s fine.

    Why didn’t she report it herself? Why did it have to be done immediately? **Just tell her that you can’t explain what or** ***where*** **the sounds are coming from**, so it’s not really something you can take on. You can’t tell someone else’s story, and she needs to explain why she thinks it’s a rodent infestation.

    I wouldn’t deal with her bullshit and it’s fine if you move out, but I think your emotions are leaking out and you should try to reel those back in. There’s no reason to hang on to minor grudges for months just to bring them up as “evidence” down the road.

    If this was my situation with friends, it wouldn’t happen, because I have healthy boundaries. Even my husband can’t remotely check where I’m at, because that’s *fucking creepy.* I do not need to be leashed or checked in on. If a friend asked for a favor I wasn’t able to do, I’d tell them no, and they’d respect that. Because boundaries. If they don’t respect me, they’re not a real friend!

  3. I do feel bad for your friend because if she’s telling people their opinions are stupid or coming off too forcefully, she probably has trouble making connections. It’s too bad you tried to give her constructive feedback and it went totally over her head. It’s gonna be a problem for her, for life. Even so, it’s not YOUR problem to fix, and if you feel like a friend is consistenly talking down on you or shutting you down (and you even tried to explain the issue nicely! Multiple times!) it is 100% time to exit the friendship

    The thing about trying to force you to talk to the leasing office would have been the final straw for me too.

    Get out! Goodbye annoying ex-friend!

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