Was recently on a water park trip and was very ashamed that I was sub par at Swimming. Started utilising the pool at my gym after that. So for me, it’s knowing how to swim in deep water and lifting weights. Also knowing how to dance with a partner. What’s your input?

  1. Cooking.

    Could save a lot of money by not eating out every other day. Even if the food might not taste great, you’d be happy knowing that you did something cool.

  2. Using all types of tools. Proper use of screwdrivers, level, saws, electrical meter, hammer, etc.

    Life is easier when you can just fix stuff without having to call a professional.

  3. Being alone and have an independent life.

    I don’t mean to be selfish. Friends and family won’t always be there, especially if they have their own lives. And with today’s (extreme) feminism, women expect men to stop being “a traditional male” and to be taking care of himself by learning skills such as cooking, cleaning and ironing as well.

  4. Manage money properly.

    Know how to budget, keep debt under control, find the best income for your career, invest properly for optimal growth.

  5. Basic car maintenance…. I get not all guys are gonna be into cars.

    But knowing the basics will save you so much time, money, and trouble in the long run, They should still be taught how to maintain their own car!

  6. Performing cunnilingus to the point of orgasm. Learn/listen to your partner. Practice makes perfect.

  7. Counter question. Are there some things that only men must learn? Because every answer here so far applies to both sexes

  8. Learning to deal with emotions in a healthy way. If not you will hurt yourself or other people.

  9. Knowing how to run the house. And not relying on your SO to tell you what’s needs to be done

  10. Knowing when you can say no. No to helping someone with something. No to extra work. No to work on yourself. No, we can end on a loss.

  11. How to fart silently. Just relax your sphincter and pray nothing denser than gas isnreleased

  12. Learn every lesson. The best and hardest lessons are learned by failure.

    Get better, or get out of the pool. Can you SWIM? Cover distance in water after a dive into it? Some of us can. Some say they can swim and can barely tread water.

    Try again. Do better next time.

  13. 1. How to be gentlemanly and respectful
    2. Basic survival hacks
    3. knowing how to cook “huge plus when in relationships and living alone works both ways”
    4. Swimming
    5. Jump a car/ change a tire’
    6. Be in control of your emotions and desires

    just the top of my head. feel free to add on…

  14. Set their boundaries healthy ways, respect themselves, and not get stuck to identity

  15. How to navigate loneliness and keep yourself busy, occupied on the here and now.

    Stop worrying about the future.

  16. The importance of exercise. It’s not just a hobby or to look good. It’s as important as sleep and food. Exercise is essential and without it your health will deteriorate. More so for men because of our higher testosterone levels.

  17. Household chores: cooking, cleaning, administrative stuff, etc.

    Any relationship or marriage is enhanced if both partners know how to run the household.

  18. Be self sufficient – if you can’t manage to cook, clean, and manage your basic everyday to-do’s, you have little chance of doing much else successfully

  19. All basic human things.

    Cooking – cleaning – finances – controlling yourself – being respectful – understanding boundaries – taking care of yourself and other ppl.

  20. basic car maintenance such as how to check the oil lvl in your vehicle and to check your tire pressure and how to change a tire on your vehicle. How to clean the battery posts to keep them free of corrosion an to know how to use the penny rule to check the depth of your tire tread.

  21. That you’re not the most pitiful one out there. There are people more pitiful than you out there. It’s just you’ve never heard or seen them

  22. I would say all people about this one.

    you are never done with your learning process, there is always more to learn. You will keep improving and growing as a person If you accept the fact that there is always more things to learn.

    And this is extra important for a man, cause a man isn’t worth more than what he can provide, so the more you know and are good at, the more you can provide and the more valuable will you bee seen as by society.

  23. Another thread where most of the answers clearly will not be relevant to all man.

    Just put most or the majority in the title…

  24. Castor oil and rosemary oil (essentials have to be mixed to a base oil) works well for a patchy beard.

    Shave your balls with a scissor, disinfect it after.

    Anger is meant to be let out in sports. Biking, running, push-ups on your knees, viet vo dao you name it.

    Have 3 months of friendship before aiming at a serious relation with a girl. Let her time to show her true colors, what she likes and same for you, and you can find cool activities you like doing together before having sex all the time.
    Cause sex is one source of being emotionally close but after some time it’s all you have and it feels empty.

    Sleep early (23h) boosts every aspect of your life

    To get rid of an addiction buy a ton of local grown apples and eat the fuck outta them each time you have an urge.

  25. How to stop putting women on a fucking pedestal!

    Guys have this idea that women are better than men when it comes to good decision making, that they’re smarter, kinder and less likely to do the wrong thing.

    They believe women can save them form themselves because society has taught them that it takes a good woman to make a good man.

    Fellas, knock that shit off. lol You don’t need the love of a “good woman” to make you a better person.

    Women are just as flawed as men. They’re not fucking special so stop thinking that they are.

    They lie, cheat and steal the same as men do.

    If you think this sounds mean or hateful towards women, then you either mistakenly put them on a pedestal or you’re a woman who puts herself above men.

  26. How to push through adversity. I say this because nobody else is going to teach you. When things get hard you have to hunker down and take life as it comes. I know what happens if you don’t, if you let life defeat you; it’ll defeat you.

    Ps: pushing through adversity and taking life as it comes doesn’t mean ignoring your emotions and being a husk. Going to therapy, tackling your addiction (if you have one), learning how to be responsible for your emotions and actions… that’s what pushing through adversity is.

  27. girl want to be listen

    they dont want or need solution from you

    girl want you to take care of them, no need to buy big things… they dont work like this or they will not love you more for that .

  28. 1) How to make and stick to a budget
    2) How to be comfortable alone with yourself in public
    3) How to identify and walk away from a dead end friendship with another person that you’re hoping will turn into a romantic relationship.

  29. Take accountability for your mistakes, accept what you have done and learn from them. Don’t be an idiot and hide behind defensiveness and stubbornness. Be humble, be kind and learn to listen.

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