I (F18) broke up with my bf (M19) over sexting. We were together a few months and as we live almost two hours away from each other, we sexted a lot. For a long time, it was great. He’s the first guy I’ve sent videos to and he always complimented me. I take a lot longer to finish than the average person so he always finished before me, but he would wait and talk me through it. Then after, we would stay on call or whatever and keep talking.

A few nights ago, we were sexting as per usual. We hadn’t done it for a few weeks because the last night time we had actual sex hadn’t gone the best as I had some injuries. I sent him videos and he didn’t compliment me or anything but I didn’t really think anything of it. He finished (twice) and then stopped messaging me completely. I told him I felt used, because I hadn’t gotten to finish and he was ignoring me. He got mad and started to say that I wasn’t being fair, that I made him feel guilty for being in the mood. He broke up with me a few days later because of it.

Was i in the wrong? Was he just being a normal guy and I was expecting too much? We’re going no contact for now but I might be seeing him in about a month, should I? Or should I leave it? He’s the first guy I’ve been with so it’s hard for me to move on

  1. Sexting is fun to get the other person off as much as getting yourself off. He was out of order and is not you’re fault. He should have just edged until you were getting close and cum together

  2. Well from your description he has been using you is what it sounds like to me. he did the sexting thing with you and cared about you until he actually got sex from you but after that he didn’t really care about you at all so it sounds more like he was just playing you because he wanted to sleep with you, tbh. And unfortunately, there are quite a lot of guys out there like this, they will play you until they get in your pants and then they’re done. Sorry this happen OP, but this guy is 💩, move on and look for a decent guy that will care about you and wants an actual relationship with you. Watch out for the users.

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