How often do you have intimacy with your partner?

  1. My ex and I lived together for 7 months, we had sex 1-2 times a day, sometimes 3, rarely 0. I can’t see myself not having sex everyday on a regular basis while in a relationship. I prefer twice a day

  2. 7–20 times a week depending on how busy we are, but Women loving women tend to get carried away sometimes with intimacy.

  3. Twice a month lol. It’s hard when you have a toddler, you’re both exhausted after a long day

  4. Having to live at his mom’s house while we find a place, never😐 but before we were in our current situation, like once a day

  5. Once a week. Sometimes every other week. How does one get lucky with twice a day? :,)

  6. Married over 5 years, 1-3 times a week but it’s still amazing every time . Oh.. and only 1 time per day lmao

  7. Been together 6 years (married for 2 of those years)
    2-3 times per week. Only once per time.

  8. Once a month if I’m lucky. Used to be once a day in the beginning. Idk what happened. I wish it was at least once a week.

  9. Between different schedules, side effects from antidepressants, and my current mental health slump – about once every week or two.

  10. Married almost 20 years – we got married young – average probably 3x per week. Sometimes more, sometimes less depending on work schedules and whatnot. So much better now than when we were younger though. Quality over quantity.

  11. 3-4 times a week
    We don’t live together, so we have sex everytime we see each other

  12. Every day, usually between 3-5 times a day but sometimes more. The other day we were both off work/ school so we had sex like 7-8 times lol

  13. Once a quarter for the deed. Wife doesn’t see intimacy as a major factor for a healthy relationship. Obvi. I disagree

  14. Once a month or so. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Between meds, work stress, and mental health, neither of us has much of a drive. We’re intimate in other ways.

  15. Well then… we now have a fresh baby, but before the pregnancy, it was maybe once every 3-4 weeks, sometimes once every 2 weeks

  16. It varies hugely. We can go two months without, then have it 6 times in a day 🤷‍♀️

  17. At least once a day, ideally he and I would both want at least 2ce a day but normally don’t have enough time before work in the morning. Weekends anything is game lol

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