I have been using [this lube](https://www.amazon.com/Turn-Personal-Lubricant-Balanced-Hypoallergenic/dp/B08MH36PG7) for a while, since before I’ve ever even been penetrated before, and almost every time I use it I end up very sore and it honestly like. Burns. I chalked this up to inexperience at first but this most recent time there was penetration, then the lube was added, and once they re-entered me I started burning. So it’s almost definitely the lube. What in it could be making me burn? I need to know so I can avoid lube with that ingredient. Thanks!

  1. Assuming you’re not allergic to it, just use 100% silicone. That lube you linked has potassium sorbate in it, which can be a skin irritant, though it shouldn’t be in trace amounts – but who knows.

    I wouldn’t use any lubes with a bunch of different ingredients. Silicone, coconut oil, those are my friends (though you need to check what works for your body).

  2. Could be the glycerin/ glycol. Have you tried Almost Naked or BioNude from Good Clean Love? Or Silicone based lubes?

  3. Try straight coconut oil to test if it is indeed the lube that is the problem. If you still have burning, it might be the toy. Pro tip – buying toys and lubes off Amazon is always a big risk. Poor quality, knockoffs, and toxic toys.

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