I have a group of friends. In the early phase of our group, we used to have a healthy relation, we used to crack jokes on each other and when they used to crack jokes on me. I just let it go or laugh with them but slowly things started to change and now when we are together all of them get together and started make fun of only me crack jokes of me and my reply like doesn’t work on them. They just laugh when ever I tried to stand for my self. When I tried to crack jokes or make fun of them they just conter it on me but I don’t know why when I conter the jokes no one laughs or react much I know my skills are really really weak in terms of making funny jokes or gave powerful reply on insult but I know that this is more than that please tell what you think what should I do?

  1. looks like they don’t respect your feelings as much, or are conscious of them. I get it’s fun to crack jokes with people, but as the dynamic has changed, it doesn’t look too good. Do you guys at least have genuine conversations or down to earth interactions? If not, it doesn’t look like they’d take you as a friend quite seriously.

  2. Well, Ik this has a chance of making you look bad but, you could just stop going along with them and maybe tell them in private to stop making these jokes.

  3. Sounds like every friendship I ever had, I was always the guy who got roasted the most. Now I have no friends, idk if its better.

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