We have been together for about 1 year and he is amazing. We have had arguments here and there but nothing to serious except this one. Last week he got invited to a college party and I wasn’t; to which I don’t really mind.

The problem is he was invited by one of the sorority girls who has made it clear that she has a crush on him on her socials. (he plays football) She even has a highlight on her instagram tagged ‘my crush’ with his pictures.

My boyfriend told me there is nothing to worry about because he is only interested in me. He said she is delusional to think that there could be something between them.

The party is on Friday and he has been very excited about it, he already prepared when he was going to wear yesterday.(Tuesday) He bought new LV shoes and designer clothes Normally he doesn’t care. He is always showing me the party groupchat telling me how amazing everything is planned out…As he was showing me, he got an insta message from the sorority girl saying – ‘We should try it then’. He swiflty swiped it away and acted like it was nothing.When I asked him he said she wants to learn how to throw a football. Alright!
I also overheard him talking with his bestfriend(M) about how amazing it’s going to be. Honestly I feel like this excited him more than our anniversary and it’s hurting me.

I asked him if I can join him and he told me it’s an invite only party. So I can’t come with him.
I need advice on what to do because I feel so overwhelmed and I am probably not thinking straight at the moment.
What should I do??

  1. Tell him that you suspect him of flirting with this other girl. When he denies ask him on the spot to show you messages between them and insist on this point. Explain that it is very important about it an no you aren’t crazy.

    If he refuses, well, I would assume the worst and leave him.

  2. He’s her date to this party. He clearly doesn’t respect your relationship enough to tell her no. Dump him. If he’s isn’t ready cheating, he will be very soon. Trust your gut

  3. Your gut is clearly telling you something’s up. Trust yourself, and always believe his actions over his words. A man who is honest and respects you and your relationship will hear you out and consider your feelings about this.

  4. Ughhhh I have felt this feeling girl and I’m so sorry, this sucks.

    Trust me it only gets worse from here.

  5. You should dump him. He accepted being this girls date to her sorority party. He has a GF and should have said no to her.

  6. Tell him “let’s text her together – just to be clear, am I invited as a friend or as a date, because I already have a girlfriend”.

    His response will tell you all you need to know.

  7. Dump him. He’s her date in the sorority party. If he cannot respect your relationship, better to just break up. Don’t be a pushover, he’s definitely flirting with this woman.

  8. I can’t tell you what to do but I know what he’s about to do. The reason you aren’t invited is he plans to get close. If you know anyone else going, see if they can send you random pics throughout the night that way you can make an informed decision on breaking up.

  9. It’s a date party hello. Why are you just accepting this lol. Dump him right after the party and move on. He’s going to cross a line with that sorority girl if he hasn’t already

  10. He’s excited about his date with someone else. He’s not your boyfriend anymore. Time to move on!

  11. Break up with him. Seriously. He doesn’t respect you or your relationship. This is such a huge red flag.

  12. He is dressing to hook up. He is not taking you so he can be single, time to cut him loose.

  13. Friday? sounds like an event and he’s legitimately her date. invite only is for dances and such

  14. If he cared he’d get you an invite to the party. Also if he hasn’t told her directly that he is not interested in her, that is because he doesn’t want a defined boundary. Listen to your gut.

  15. Is he literally going to a formal with another girl?! That means he’s literally a date. Not okay

  16. He’s going to sorority event as the date of the girl that has a publicly declared crush on him and he’s excited about it. You need to break-up with him. He literally is entertaining another woman and going out with her and you are just disrespecting yourself by sitting idly by.

  17. It’s a date party. Your bf should not be going, you aren’t in the sorority and he is not single to date someone else. Just no. Tell him no. They literally refer to them as date parties.

  18. Always listen to your gut. If he cares, he won’t go and he would straight up, without a shadow of doubt make it clear to little miss steal yo man, he’s not interested. Also just wanna say LMAO at that lame duck story about learning to throw a ball…

    If he goes I guarantee one of them will be playing with balls and the other will just be enjoying it.

    Give him an ultimatum and let him know that if he goes, he should consider himself single and you can move on to someone better.

  19. Dump him yesterday. First off, I’m in a relationship as well, and my bf is very handsome because of that some females are rude to me to my face, especially since we’re in college. My bfs reaction?? He loathes them and wouldn’t stand within 10 feet of them. My bf would never go somewhere where I wasn’t invited on purpose. The fact that he is or didn’t even try to get an invitation for you is very telling.

  20. Dump him. You’re 19 and he’s a 22 year old football player that bought designer clothes to go to a party his crush invited him to, and he’s also been texting her on the side. He’s most likely open to the idea of something with her, just going off statistics. He’s also 100% more excited about a party than your one year anniversary. Parties are fun, and no college guy is going to give a shit about a one year dating anniversary.

  21. A lot of comments saying he’s clearly cheating or plans to hook up. I would like to argue that whether he is or isn’t looking to cheat is irrelevant. He’s ignoring you and telling you that your feelings on this do not matter. He doesn’t respect how you feel. This problem will not go away after the party. He will continue to ignore your feelings and wishes.

  22. If someone invites me (30+M) to a party but not my spouse, it wouldn’t even take me more than two seconds to decline the invitation.

    If my partner is out, so am I.

  23. “She even has a highlight on her instagram tagged ‘my crush’ with his pictures.” Nooo no babe I’m sorry WHAT?? YALL ARE SHARING HIM

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