So 21st century is just normal to have social anxiety ? I’m in my mid20s but I really hate myself like why the heck am I so quiet timid shy and lacking confidence so much. I don’t even remember the last time I believed in myself. This whole anxiety has been taking full control of life over the recent years. Like example, I wanted to learn driving but somehow I managed to reach out for driving lessons but I screwed up because of accident. Everyone told me it’s normal to have minor bumps when learning driving but I felt so bad for damaging the instructor car that I just quit. This regret of not driving still is still daunting me. I’m tried getting jobs in fast food and retail in hopes to open up and become more social active. I thought it will get rid of anxiety. But i panic everyday when going job. I don’t mind the work, I have problem with large group, talking interacting with management , and stuff. I wanna do so many things like going malls, maybe at a beach or trying new things but I just avoid avoid and avoid yet my inner me wants to go and do everything. I’m basically kicking my own soul at this point 😓🤦‍♂️

  1. because everything is digital now so we have more experience interacting socially online as opposed to in person. Then add 2-3 years of lockdowns from covid.

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