I’m curious, except for the physical look, what exactly is the thing about a woman that makes you think “i need to be with her”?

  1. The special feelings you get of warmth and comfort. And hopefully, the dream of you finally getting into a relationship.

  2. Intelligence is the way for me. Not saying i am smart or the brightest but i want to explore her opinions and limits more when i see signs of intelligence. Also good arguments about anything might interest me, i like a good debate.
    I am still quite young but i met someone like this just once and it didn’t go well or infact it didn’t go anywhere but it was nice to see someone could intrigue me without the looks. Would prefer this to the looks everytime.

  3. If after talking to her a while, I get this feeling that we share the same soul. And if she feels the same way, then I need to be with her.

  4. Long term: Looks (proud to enter a nice restaurant with her), intelligence, humor, integrity, good family (thinking about kids).

    Short term: Cute face and nice body.

  5. Well a common interest over something, reciprocation of interest, and enjoying one another’s company for starters. If you seem interesting I’m interested. Unfortunately I am not in a desirable state at the moment.

  6. except for physical look? women are nothing but a hole to fuck for me. I take the predicament, agony and all shit out of women just to fuck. So why would I have to be with women that I’m not interested in physically?

  7. If I have to pursue them, then I don’t want anything long term with them. The question is contradictory for me.

  8. She gave me the rest of her ice cream cone on our first date. (I didn’t ask, she was like, do you want the rest of this?)

  9. how long we can speak together. Im pretty bad in one on one social situations, im bad at small talk so unless we’re talking about a specific subject im knowledgable on or interested in im bad at keeping conversations going, so i generally prefer group settings.

    but some girls make it so easy for me to talk for hours to and theyre the ones

  10. Sexual attraction makes me approach them, to pursue them further than that, they have to feel like home to me. Like my life is better when they are around and they give my life meaning. Same thing with genuine friends! They should make you feel important and feel like home!

  11. if she makes me feel that she’s interested, respectful and communicates everything + has a good sense of humour, im down

  12. She acts nice and friendly and interested. Most chicks act somewhere between creeped out and outright hostile towards me

  13. If I find them attractive, this can go beyond physical features. If you vibe with the other person, that itself can make someone very attractive as you will want to talk to them more and be around them.

  14. Laughing together, sharing our interests and talking about them back and forth, finishing each other’s sentences, having great teamwork.

  15. Confidence + Humor if you can make me chuckle and are able to eat a messy sandwich Infront of me with out being shy or timid about it I have to get to know you.

  16. Even when I did date, I did not pursue. Chasing a woman works as well as chasing a fish. Only ever seriously date a woman who has chased you. Only a woman who sees you as the prize will treat you well enough to make her a net benefit to your life. If she thinks she’s the prize, she will make your life worse than it would have been alone. She will grow to resent you and she will punish you for not being who she really wants.

  17. Looks is very high.

    Then its playfullness, Humour, Kindness, cuteness some girls just have that more than others not really sure. intelligence this is a tough one though because dumb or careless girls can sometimes be really sweet so you dont care. But if your smart or lets say closer to your level its easier to speak about things and back each other up.

  18. Hey everyone, what’s the most important thing to you in a partner, except for the one thing that’s most important to you. 😂

  19. Her character. Once she demonstrates that she’s capable of managing her emotions and articulating her expectations clearly, I’m hooked. If faces adversity with a calm demeanor that’s a big bonus.

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