I’ve (21M) broken a promise by falling too deep in love with the person (25F) I made the promise with. We promised each other to not fall too deep into this relationship we’re having right now for 6 months.

I was introduced to her by my older brother and she’s a girlfriend of my brother’s close friend. We got along very well and then we met more often with just the 2 of us. We would go for lunch dinner or couples of beers sometimes.

There’s this one time where we went clubbing and when we’re on our way home she said that she liked me a lot and I confessed that I liked her a lot too. The next day we realised that our drink got spiked in a small dose but we remember what we confessed to each other and we went on a date then spend the night together.

As we’re still continuing this relationship that we know is so wrong yet we still enjoying each others affection and company. If this were ever get to the ears of my brother and his friends it would be very much a chaotic situation as she cant really break off from her current relationship due to personal circumstances and our relationship with their friend circle would pretty much fucked all over.

We made a promise to each other that we are not going to fall too deep into this relationship and do not make commitment for it because she thought it will be very unfair to me at the moment. But I guess now i’ve fallen too deep for her as she is the only woman i would pay attention to and she is always on my mind.

I have no friends to talk about this so here am I confused and not sure if any advice would help =)

TLDR : Broke a promise by falling too deep in love. Now am confused if it is what i wanted.

  1. How could you make a promise of something you can’t control? Sounds like you did nothing to avoid falling in love either.

    She’s in a relationship and she’s choosing not to end it. Think about that.

  2. I feel like if she actually liked/loved you she’d break it off with her actual boyfriend. You can’t really control how you feel towards someone (although you probably should’ve just stopped talking to her if you ACTUALLY wanted to keep your promise or respected your friends) but it’s still fucked, you should give her an ultimatum of choosing between you or her boyfriend cuz this is a horrible situation to have put the other guy in. Can you explain what “personal circumstances” is supposed to mean? Like is she in danger if she leaves him or does she just not feel like it 💀

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