For some reason I couldn’t climax, no matter what happened, idk if im desensitized because of how much I used to masturbate but, it was just so embarrassing, I ended up having to masturbate while kissing, and even that took forever. Any suggestions??

  1. It’s pretty common to either orgasm really quickly, or become unable to orgasm at all on your first time trying something new in the bedroom. It’s a new experience full of new sights, sensations and sounds.

    The second time will be much easier, everyone here should be able to confirm.

  2. Everyone thinks the first time will be magical. I believe more people are disappointed because of expectation. With practice you learn what really does it for you. Communicate that to your lover and sex can meet all of your expectations.

  3. The guy I lost my virginity to (his aswell) lost his boner mid sex.
    Anxiety can ruin it!

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